People who have had the role Contributing Author

Name ORCID Organizations Publications
William H. Schlesinger Duke University SAP 4.3. The Effects of Climate Change on Agriculture, Land Resources, Water Resources, and Biodiversity.
Radley Horton 0000-0002-5574-9962 Columbia University usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 chapter 2 : Temperature-Related Death and Illness
Steven Running 0000-0001-6906-3841 University of Montana National Climate Assessment Indicators: Background, Development, and Examples. A Technical Input to the 2013 National Climate Assessment Report. SAP 4.3. The Effects of Climate Change on Agriculture, Land Resources, Water Resources, and Biodiversity.
James W. Boyd Resources for the Future nca3 chapter 26 : Decision Support: Connecting Science, Risk Perception, and Decisions
Jayantha Obeysekera 0000-0002-9261-1268 South Florida Water Management District Climate Scenarios: A Florida-Centric View. A White Paper on Climate Scenarios for Florida
Jenna Jadin U.S. Agency for International Development nca3 chapter 14 : Rural Communities
Kristen Averyt 0000-0002-3602-9118 University of Colorado Boulder Climate and Energy-Water-Land System Interactions. Technical Report to the U.S. Department of Energy in Support of the National Climate Assessment. PNNL-21185
Laurna Kaatz Denver Water nca3 chapter 26 : Decision Support: Connecting Science, Risk Perception, and Decisions
Leonard Berry 0000-0002-9683-5023 Florida Atlantic University Center for Urban and Environmental Solutions Florida Atlantic University Charles E. Schmidt College of Science Florida Water Management and Adaptation in the Face of Climate Change
Lindene Patton Zurich North America nca3 chapter 26 : Decision Support: Connecting Science, Risk Perception, and Decisions
Paul Schramm 0000-0003-0299-6211 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 chapter 5 : Vector-Borne Diseases
Steven Rose Electric Power Research Institute Climate Change and Energy Supply and Use. Technical Report to the U.S. Department of Energy in Support of the National Climate Assessment Climate and Energy-Water-Land System Interactions. Technical Report to the U.S. Department of Energy in Support of the National Climate Assessment. PNNL-21185
Jan Dell CH2M HILL Climate Change and Energy Supply and Use. Technical Report to the U.S. Department of Energy in Support of the National Climate Assessment
Allison Thomson 0000-0001-5326-1755 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory University of Maryland, College Park SAP 4.3. The Effects of Climate Change on Agriculture, Land Resources, Water Resources, and Biodiversity.
Charles Beard 0000-0003-4467-2020 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention nca3 chapter 9 : Human Health
Christine Wiedinmyer National Center for Atmospheric Research nca3 chapter 9 : Human Health
Edward Maibach 0000-0003-3409-9187 George Mason University nca3 chapter 9 : Human Health
Emily Zielinski-Gutiérrez Centers for Disease Control and Prevention nca3 chapter 9 : Human Health
Jeremy Hess 0000-0002-0440-2459 University of Washington (Seattle Campus) usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 Appendix 1: Technical Support Document usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 chapter 2 : Temperature-Related Death and Illness usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 chapter 4 : Impacts of Extreme Events on Human Health
Lewis Ziska 0000-0003-2980-3985 U.S. Department of Agriculture nca3 chapter 9 : Human Health usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 chapter 3 : Air Quality Impacts