
Name ORCID Organizations Publications
Yongqiang Zhang 0000-0002-3562-2323 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Organisation Land and Water Evaluation of global observations-based evapotranspiration datasets and IPCC AR4 simulations
Yuan Zhang Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Oceans A Pacific Interdecadal Climate Oscillation with Impacts on Salmon Production
Yuanhang Zhang Peking University Atmospheric Brown Clouds: Regional Assessment Report with Focus on Asia
Yujia Zhang Effect of complete competition control and annual fertilization on stem growth and canopy relations for a chronosequence of loblolly pine plantations in the lower coastal plain of Georgia
Zhen Zhang A global overview of drought and heat-induced tree mortality reveals emerging climate change risks for forests
Zhenzhen Zhang University of Michigan School of Public Health Biostatistics Department Assessing heat-adaptive behaviors among older, urban-dwelling adults
Zhihua Zhang The Pennsylvania State University Department of Meteorology The Pennsylvania State University Earth and Environmental Systems Institute Global Signatures and Dynamical Origins of the Little Ice Age and Medieval Climate Anomaly Proxy-based reconstructions of hemispheric and global surface temperature variations over the past two millennia
Maosheng Zhao University of Montana Department of Ecosystem and Conservation Sciences University of Montana Numerical Terradynamic Simulation Group Testing a MODIS Global Disturbance Index across North America A Continuous Satellite-Derived Measure of Global Terrestrial Primary Production A New Satellite-based Methodology for Continental-scale Disturbance Detection
Ming Zhao National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Hurricanes and Climate: The U.S. CLIVAR Working Group on Hurricanes Dynamical Downscaling Projections of Twenty-First-Century Atlantic Hurricane Activity: CMIP3 and CMIP5 Model-Based Scenarios North American Climate in CMIP5 Experiments. Part II: Evaluation of Historical Simulations of Intraseasonal to Decadal Variability
Tingting Zhao University of Michigan School of Natural Resources and Environment Examining the onset of spring in Wisconsin A Geographic Approach to Sectoral Carbon Inventory: Examining the Balance Between Consumption-Based Emissions and Land-Use Carbon Sequestration in Florida
Xiaoquan Zhao George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication George Mason University Department of Communication Support for climate policy and societal action are linked to perceptions about scientific agreement
Yongchao Zhao Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences University of South Florida Department of Geography Finer resolution observation and monitoring of global land cover: first mapping results with Landsat TM and ETM+ data
Yuanyuan Zhao State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science Finer resolution observation and monitoring of global land cover: first mapping results with Landsat TM and ETM+ data
Ziying Zhao Beijing Normal University College of Global Change and Earth System Science Finer resolution observation and monitoring of global land cover: first mapping results with Landsat TM and ETM+ data
Chen Zhen Research Triangle Institute International Climate Change Impacts on Crop Insurance
Daolan Zheng University of New Hampshire Department of Natural Resources & the Environment U.S. Forest Service Carbon changes in conterminous US forests associated with growth and major disturbances: 1992–2001
Yaomin Zheng State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science Finer resolution observation and monitoring of global land cover: first mapping results with Landsat TM and ETM+ data
Liejun Zhong University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Horn Point Laboratory Is there a signal of sea-level rise in Chesapeake Bay salinity?
Jiansong Zhou University of Washington Department of Applied Mathematics Using data to attribute episodes of warming and cooling in instrumental records
Jingwen Zhou Impact of Climate Change on Ambient Ozone Level and Mortality in Southeastern United States