
Name ORCID Organizations Publications
Tsengdar Lee NASA Headquarters Satellite Observations for CMIP5: The Genesis of Obs4MIPs
Tze-San Lee Risk factors associated with clinic visits during the 1999 forest fires near the Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation, California, USA
Victoria Lee University of Bristol School of Geographical Sciences Calibrated prediction of Pine Island Glacier retreat during the 21st and 22nd centuries with a coupled flowline model
X. Lee Progress and challenges in using stable isotopes to trace plant carbon and water relations across scales
Youngmi Lee Network Location and Policy-Oriented Behavior: An Analysis of Two-Mode Networks of Coauthored Documents Concerning Climate Change in the Great Lakes Region
Yunha H. Lee Columbia University Goddard Institute for Space Studies Radiative forcing in the ACCMIP historical and future climate simulations
Max Leenders Meat consumption and mortality - results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
Ronald D. Leeper Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites - NC Kentucky Climate Center National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Climatic Data Center Western Kentucky University Department of Geography and Geology U.S. Climate Reference Network after One Decade of Operations: Status and Assessment Increase in Near-Surface Atmospheric Moisture Content due to Land Use Changes: Evidence from the Observed Dewpoint Temperature Data
David Lees Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science Determination of norovirus contamination in oysters from two commercial harvesting areas over an extended period, using semiquantitative real-time reverse transcription PCR
Ants Leetmaa National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Model projections of an imminent transition to a more arid climate in southwestern North America
Penehuro Lefale Meteorological Service of New Zealand Ltd. nca3 chapter 23 : Hawai'i and U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands
Kathi A. Lefebvre Northwest Fisheries Science Center Marine Biotoxins Program Domoic acid and human exposure risks: A review
Paul Lefebvre Woods Hole Research Center Modelling conservation in the Amazon basin
Barry L. Lefer 0000-0001-9520-5495 University of Houston Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Relationship between boundary layer heights and growth rates with ground-level ozone in Houston, Texas
David R. Legates Office of the Delaware State Climatologist Variability and trends in dry day frequency and dry event length in the southwestern United States
L. Legendre Marine biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, and carbon cycles
Peter Leggat Australian Defence Health Service Tropical diseases of military importance: A centennial perspective
M. Legrand Climate and atmospheric history of the past 420,000 years from the Vostok ice core, Antarctica
Ming Lei Purdue University Urban Modification of Thunderstorms: An Observational Storm Climatology and Model Case Study for the Indianapolis Urban Region
Quanhong Lei-Gomez Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Indoor Environment Department Meta-analyses of the associations of respiratory health effects with dampness and mold in homes