People who have had the role Editor

Name ORCID Organizations Publications
William P. Butz International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis World Population Program Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Human Capital World Population and Human Cap...
Samir KC Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Human Capital World Population and Human Cap...
Prabhu L. Pingali Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Scenarios, Volume 2
Armin Rosencranz Stanford University Program in Human Biology Climate Change Science and Pol...
Kristin Kuntz-Duriseti Climate Change Science and Pol...
Johann D. Bell Secretariat of the Pacific Community Vulnerability of Tropical Paci...
Johanna E. Johnson C2O Consulting Vulnerability of Tropical Paci...
Alistair J. Hobday Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Organisation Marine and Atmospheric Research Vulnerability of Tropical Paci...
Richard B. Norgaard University of California, Berkeley Energy & Resources Group The Oxford Handbook of Climate...
David Schlosberg University of Sydney Department of Government and International Relations The Oxford Handbook of Climate...
John S. Dryzek The Australian National University Australian Research Council The Oxford Handbook of Climate...
Lynn Weber University of South Carolina Department of Psychology University of South Carolina Women's and Gender Studies Program Displaced: Life in the Katrina...
Lori Peek Colorado State University Center for Disaster and Risk Analysis Colorado State University Department of Sociology Displaced: Life in the Katrina...
Melissa Leach University of Sussex Institute of Development Studies Negotiating Environmental Chan...
Ian Scoones University of Sussex Institute of Development Studies Negotiating Environmental Chan...
Naomi A. Edelson National Wildlife Federation Scanning the Conservation Horizon: A Guide to Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment
Vine Deloria The University of Arizona Documents of American Indian D...
Raymond J. DeMallie Indiana University Bloomington Department of Anthropology Documents of American Indian D...
Neville Ash International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Ecosystem-based Adaptation: A Natural Response to Climate Change
A. Colls Ecosystem-based Adaptation: A Natural Response to Climate Change