--- - description: ~ display_name: 'Option value: theory and measurement' doi: 10.1093/erae/17.2.167 identifier: 10.1093/erae/17.2.167 journal_identifier: european-review-agricultural journal_pages: 167-180 journal_vol: 17 notes: ~ title: 'Option value: theory and measurement' type: article uri: /article/10.1093/erae/17.2.167 url: ~ year: 1990 - description: ~ display_name: 'The Impact of Global Warming on U.S. Agriculture: An Econometric Analysis of Optimal Growing Conditions' doi: 10.1162/rest.2006.88.1.113 identifier: 10.1162/rest.2006.88.1.113 journal_identifier: review-economics-statistics journal_pages: 113-125 journal_vol: 88 notes: ~ title: 'The Impact of Global Warming on U.S. Agriculture: An Econometric Analysis of Optimal Growing Conditions' type: article uri: /article/10.1162/rest.2006.88.1.113 url: ~ year: 2006 - description: ~ display_name: 'Will U.S. Agriculture Really Benefit from Global Warming? Accounting for Irrigation in the Hedonic Approach' doi: 10.1257/0002828053828455 identifier: 10.1257/0002828053828455 journal_identifier: american-economic-review journal_pages: 395-406 journal_vol: 95 notes: ~ title: 'Will U.S. Agriculture Really Benefit from Global Warming? Accounting for Irrigation in the Hedonic Approach' type: article uri: /article/10.1257/0002828053828455 url: ~ year: 2005