--- - description: ~ display_name: An adaptability limit to climate change due to heat stress doi: 10.1073/pnas.0913352107 identifier: 10.1073/pnas.0913352107 journal_identifier: proceedings-national-academy-of-sciences-united-states-america journal_pages: 9552-9555 journal_vol: 107 notes: ~ title: An adaptability limit to climate change due to heat stress type: article uri: /article/10.1073/pnas.0913352107 url: ~ year: 2010 - description: ~ display_name: Making sense of palaeoclimate sensitivity doi: 10.1038/nature11574 identifier: 10.1038/nature11574 journal_identifier: nature journal_pages: 683-691 journal_vol: 491 notes: ~ title: Making sense of palaeoclimate sensitivity type: article uri: /article/10.1038/nature11574 url: ~ year: 2012