--- - description: ~ display_name: 'The role of groundwater pumping and drought in shaping ecological futures for stream fishes in a dryland river basin of the western Great Plains, USA' doi: 10.1002/eco.158 identifier: 10.1002/eco.158 journal_identifier: ecohydrology journal_pages: 682-697 journal_vol: 4 notes: ~ title: 'The role of groundwater pumping and drought in shaping ecological futures for stream fishes in a dryland river basin of the western Great Plains, USA' type: article uri: /article/10.1002/eco.158 url: ~ year: 2011 - description: ~ display_name: 'Flow regime, temperature, and biotic interactions drive differential declines of trout species under climate change' doi: 10.1073/pnas.1103097108 identifier: 10.1073/pnas.1103097108 journal_identifier: proceedings-national-academy-of-sciences-united-states-america journal_pages: 14175–14180 journal_vol: 108 notes: ~ title: 'Flow regime, temperature, and biotic interactions drive differential declines of trout species under climate change' type: article uri: /article/10.1073/pnas.1103097108 url: ~ year: 2011