person 1696

Daniel R. Cayan

Scripps Institution of Oceanography Author 22 articles
  1. A method for physically based model analysis of conjunctive use in response to potential climate changes
  2. An Enhanced Archive Facilitating Climate Impacts and Adaptation Analysis
  3. Atmospheric Rivers, Floods and the Water Resources of California
  4. Changes in the Onset of Spring in the Western United States
  5. Changes toward Earlier Streamflow Timing across Western North America
  6. Climate and Chlorophyll a: Long-Term Trends in the Central North Pacific Ocean
  7. Climate and Wildfire in the Western United States
  8. Climate change impacts on U.S. Coastal and Marine Ecosystems
  9. Climate change projections of sea level extremes along the California coast
  10. Future dryness in the southwest US and the hydrology of the early 21st century drought
  11. Large-Scale Atmospheric Forcing of Recent Trends toward Early Snowmelt Runoff in California
  12. Multi-model projections of twenty-first century North Pacific winter wave climate under the IPCC A2 scenario
  13. Overview of the California climate change scenarios project
  14. Potential increase in floods in California’s Sierra Nevada under future climate projections
  15. Second California Assessment: integrated climate change impacts assessment of natural and managed systems. Guest editorial
  16. Secular warming in the California current and North Pacific
  17. Structure and Detectability of Trends in Hydrological Measures over the Western United States
  18. The Great 2006 Heat Wave over California and Nevada: Signal of an Increasing Trend
  19. The Uneven Response of Different Snow Measures to Human-Induced Climate Warming
  20. The utility of daily large-scale climate data in the assessment of climate change impacts on daily streamflow in California
  21. Trends in Snowfall versus Rainfall in the Western United States
  22. Warming and Earlier Spring Increase Western U.S. Forest Wildfire Activity
Author 1 journal
  1. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports
Author 2 reports
  1. cec-500-2012-011
  2. noaa-techmemo-oar-cpo-1-2012
U.S. Geological Survey Author 16 articles
  1. A method for physically based model analysis of conjunctive use in response to potential climate changes
  2. An Enhanced Archive Facilitating Climate Impacts and Adaptation Analysis
  3. Atmospheric Rivers, Floods and the Water Resources of California
  4. Changes in the Onset of Spring in the Western United States
  5. Changes toward Earlier Streamflow Timing across Western North America
  6. Climate change projections of sea level extremes along the California coast
  7. Future dryness in the southwest US and the hydrology of the early 21st century drought
  8. Large-Scale Atmospheric Forcing of Recent Trends toward Early Snowmelt Runoff in California
  9. Multi-model projections of twenty-first century North Pacific winter wave climate under the IPCC A2 scenario
  10. Potential increase in floods in California’s Sierra Nevada under future climate projections
  11. Second California Assessment: integrated climate change impacts assessment of natural and managed systems. Guest editorial
  12. Structure and Detectability of Trends in Hydrological Measures over the Western United States
  13. The Uneven Response of Different Snow Measures to Human-Induced Climate Warming
  14. The utility of daily large-scale climate data in the assessment of climate change impacts on daily streamflow in California
  15. Trends in Snowfall versus Rainfall in the Western United States
  16. Warming and Earlier Spring Increase Western U.S. Forest Wildfire Activity
Author 1 report
  1. noaa-techmemo-oar-cpo-1-2012
Author 4 articles
  1. Attribution of Declining Western U.S. Snowpack to Human Effects
  2. Detection and Attribution of Streamflow Timing Changes to Climate Change in the Western United States
  3. Detection and Attribution of Temperature Changes in the Mountainous Western United States
  4. Human-Induced Changes in the Hydrology of the Western United States
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