person 1468

Cynthia Rosenzweig

National Aeronautics and Space Administration Author 1 article
  1. Climate Risk Information
Author 1 report
  1. ccsp-sap-2_1b-2007
Goddard Institute for Space Studies Author 10 articles
  1. Cities lead the way in climate–change action
  2. Climate Hazard Assessment for Stakeholder Adaptation Planning in New York City
  3. Climate change, ambient ozone, and health in 50 US cities
  4. Developing coastal adaptation to climate change in the New York City infrastructure-shed: process, approach, tools, and strategies
  5. Fingerprints of global warming on wild animals and plants
  6. Increased crop damage in the US from excess precipitation under climate change
  7. Potential impact of climate change on world food supply
  8. Projecting Heat-Related Mortality Impacts Under a Changing Climate in the New York City Region
  9. Toward a whole-landscape approach for sustainable land use in the tropics
  10. U.S. Agriculture and Climate Change: New Results
Columbia University Author 3 articles
  1. Climate Risk Information
  2. Increased crop damage in the US from excess precipitation under climate change
  3. Potential impact of climate change on world food supply
Columbia University Center for Climate Systems Research Author 3 articles
  1. Climate Hazard Assessment for Stakeholder Adaptation Planning in New York City
  2. Projecting Heat-Related Mortality Impacts Under a Changing Climate in the New York City Region
  3. Variations in New York city’s urban heat island strength over time and space
Goddard Institute for Space Studies Convening Lead Author 1 report
  1. usgcrp-cities-2012
Columbia University Convening Lead Author 1 report
  1. usgcrp-cities-2012
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Editor 1 report
  1. nca-climchne-2012
Goddard Institute for Space Studies Editor 1 book
  1. Handbook of Climate Change and...
Editor 2 reports
  1. earthinstitute-climatechange-globalcity-2001
  2. nyserda-report-11-18
Columbia University Editor 1 book
  1. Handbook of Climate Change and...
Editor 1 report
  1. nyserda-report-11-18
Goddard Institute for Space Studies Scientist 1 figure
  1. New York Climate and Health Project: Model Projections
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