--- - contact_email: ~ contact_note: ~ description: ~ display_name: 'Enumeration of Pacific Walrus Carcasses on Beaches of the Chukchi Sea in Alaska Following a Mortality Event, September 2009. Open-File Report 2009-1291' doi: ~ frequency: ~ identifier: usgs-openfilereport-2009-1291 in_library: ~ publication_year: 2009 report_type_identifier: report summary: ~ title: 'Enumeration of Pacific Walrus Carcasses on Beaches of the Chukchi Sea in Alaska Following a Mortality Event, September 2009. Open-File Report 2009-1291' topic: ~ type: report uri: /report/usgs-openfilereport-2009-1291 url: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2009/1291/