--- - description: ~ display_name: 'Beyond Global Warming: Interacting Ecocrises and the Critical Anthropology of Health' doi: 10.1353/anq.0.0077 identifier: 10.1353/anq.0.0077 journal_identifier: anthropological-quarterly journal_pages: 795-820 journal_vol: 82 notes: ~ title: 'Beyond Global Warming: Interacting Ecocrises and the Critical Anthropology of Health' type: article uri: /article/10.1353/anq.0.0077 url: ~ year: 2009 - description: ~ display_name: 'Urban air pollution and climate change as environmental risk factors of respiratory allergy: An update' doi: ~ identifier: pmc-20461963 journal_identifier: journal-investigational journal_pages: 95-102 journal_vol: 20 notes: ~ title: 'Urban air pollution and climate change as environmental risk factors of respiratory allergy: An update' type: article uri: /article/pmc-20461963 url: http://www.jiaci.org/issues/vol20issue2/vol20issue02-1.htm year: 2010