People who have had the role Editor

Name ORCID Organizations Publications
Peringe Grennfelt Swedish Environmental Research Institute The European Nitrogen Assessme...
Hans van Grinsven Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving The European Nitrogen Assessme...
Bruna Grizzetti European Commission Joint Research Centre The European Nitrogen Assessme...
Fedor Mesinger University of Belgrade Climate Change: Inferences fro...
Djordje Sijacki University of Belgrade Department of Physics Climate Change: Inferences fro...
Aat Barendregt 0000-0001-6507-8413 Tidal Freshwater Wetlands...
Dennis Whigham Tidal Freshwater Wetlands...
Andrew Baldwin Tidal Freshwater Wetlands...
Simon I. Hay 0000-0002-0611-7272 University of Oxford TALA Research Group Advances in Parasitology: Volu...
Alastair Graham University of Oxford TALA Research Group Advances in Parasitology: Volu...
David J. Rogers University of Oxford TALA Research Group Advances in Parasitology: Volu...
John S. Mackenzie Australian Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centre Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases Curtin University Faculty of Health Sciences Curtin University of Technology One Health: The Human-Animal-E... Wildlife and Emerging Zoonotic...
Martyn Jeggo Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Organisation Animal Health Laboratory One Health: The Human-Animal-E...
Peter Daszak EcoHealth Alliance One Health: The Human-Animal-E...
Deborah S.K. Thomas University of Colorado Denver Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences Social Vulnerability to Disast...
Brenda D. Phillips Oklahoma State University Center for the Study of Disasters and Extreme Events Social Vulnerability to Disast...
William E. Lovekamp Eastern Illinois University Department of Sociology Social Vulnerability to Disast...
Brian K. Landsberg Major Acts of Congress. Includ...
Ian Billick Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory The Ecology of Place: Contribu...
Mary V. Price University of California, Riverside Department of Biology The Ecology of Place: Contribu...