
Woods Hole Research Center

United States


research organization
This organization is related to these organizations :
Jennifer K. Balch Author 1 article
  1. Fire in the Earth System
Pieter S. A. Beck Author 1 article
  1. Changes in forest productivity across Alaska consistent with biome shift
Eric A. Davidson Author 4 articles
  1. Climate change impacts of US reactive nitrogen
  2. Global assessment of nitrogen deposition effects on terrestrial plant diversity: a synthesis
  3. Impacts of human alteration of the nitrogen cycle in the US on radiative forcing
  4. The role of nitrogen in climate change and the impacts of nitrogen–climate interactions in the United States: foreword to thematic issue
Scott Goetz Author 3 articles
  1. Changes in forest productivity across Alaska consistent with biome shift
  2. High-resolution global maps of 21st-century forest cover change
  3. Observations and assessment of forest carbon dynamics following disturbance in North America
Richard A. Houghton Author 8 articles
  1. Gross CO2 fluxes from land-use change: implications for reducing global emissions and increasing sinks
  2. A Large and Persistent Carbon Sink in the World's Forests
  3. A synthesis of current knowledge on forests and carbon storage in the United States
  4. Forest Carbon Sinks in the Northern Hemisphere
  5. Observations and assessment of forest carbon dynamics following disturbance in North America
  6. Recent patterns and mechanisms of carbon exchange by terrestrial ecosystems
  7. Recent rates of forest harvest and conversion in North America
  8. Trends in the sources and sinks of carbon dioxide
Paul Lefebvre Author 1 article
  1. Modelling conservation in the Amazon basin
Daniel Curtis Nepstad Author 1 article
  1. Modelling conservation in the Amazon basin
Peter Schlesinger Author 1 article
  1. Modelling conservation in the Amazon basin
Emma C. Suddick Author 1 article
  1. The role of nitrogen in climate change and the impacts of nitrogen–climate interactions in the United States: foreword to thematic issue
Eric A. Davidson Editor 1 report
  1. nca-rolenitrogen-2012
Richard A. Houghton Editor 1 book
  1. Ecosystems and Land Use Change
Editor 1 report
  1. ccsp-sap-2_2-2007
Emma C. Suddick Editor 1 report
  1. nca-rolenitrogen-2012
this organization Distributor 1 report
  1. nca-rolenitrogen-2012

Also known as :
  • resource WHRC (unterm lexicon)
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