
University of Michigan Department of Environmental Health Sciences

United States

academic organization
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J. Timothy Dvonch Author 1 article
  1. Assessing heat-adaptive behaviors among older, urban-dwelling adults
Carina Gronlund Author 2 articles
  1. Climate Change, Heat Waves, and Environmental Justice: Advancing Knowledge and Action
  2. Summer temperature variability and long-term survival among elderly people with chronic disease
Marie S. O'Neill Author 7 articles
  1. Assessing heat-adaptive behaviors among older, urban-dwelling adults
  2. Climate Change, Heat Waves, and Environmental Justice: Advancing Knowledge and Action
  3. Comparing exposure metrics for classifying ‘dangerous heat’ in heat wave and health warning systems
  4. Environmental Equity in Air Quality Management: Local and International Implications for Human Health and Climate Change
  5. International study of temperature, heat and urban mortality: the 'ISOTHURM' project
  6. Summer temperature variability and long-term survival among elderly people with chronic disease
  7. U.S. Funding Is Insufficient to Address the Human Health Impacts of and Public Health Responses to Climate Variability and Change
Zorimar Rivera Author 1 article
  1. Climate Change, Heat Waves, and Environmental Justice: Advancing Knowledge and Action
Jalonne L. White-Newsome Author 2 articles
  1. Assessing heat-adaptive behaviors among older, urban-dwelling adults
  2. Climate Change, Heat Waves, and Environmental Justice: Advancing Knowledge and Action
Kai Zhang Author 1 article
  1. Comparing exposure metrics for classifying ‘dangerous heat’ in heat wave and health warning systems
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