
University of Alaska Fairbanks Department of Forest Sciences

United States

academic organization
This organization is related to these organizations :
Valerie A. Barber Author 1 article
  1. Recent climate warming forces contrasting growth responses of white spruce at treeline in Alaska through temperature thresholds
Paul Duffy Author 1 article
  1. Alaska’s changing fire regime — implications for the vulnerability of its boreal forests
Jonathan Henkelman Author 1 article
  1. Simulating the Influences of Various Fire Regimes on Caribou Winter Habitat
Glenn P. Juday Author 2 articles
  1. Recent climate warming forces contrasting growth responses of white spruce at treeline in Alaska through temperature thresholds
  2. Vulnerability of White Spruce Tree Growth in Interior Alaska in Response to Climate Variability: Dendrochronological, Demographic, and Experimental Perspectives
Mark Olson Author 1 article
  1. Simulating the Influences of Various Fire Regimes on Caribou Winter Habitat
T. Scott Rupp Author 3 articles
  1. Alaska’s changing fire regime — implications for the vulnerability of its boreal forests
  2. Role of Land-Surface Changes in Arctic Summer Warming
  3. Simulating the Influences of Various Fire Regimes on Caribou Winter Habitat
David L. Verbyla Author 5 articles
  1. Alaska’s changing fire regime — implications for the vulnerability of its boreal forests
  2. Carbon loss from an unprecedented Arctic tundra wildfire
  3. Evidence and implications of recent and projected climate change in Alaska's forest ecosystems
  4. Mechanisms influencing changes in lake area in Alaskan boreal forest
  5. Methane bubbling from Siberian thaw lakes as a positive feedback to climate warming
Martin Wilmking Author 1 article
  1. Recent climate warming forces contrasting growth responses of white spruce at treeline in Alaska through temperature thresholds
John Yarie Author 2 articles
  1. Evidence and implications of recent and projected climate change in Alaska's forest ecosystems
  2. Vulnerability of White Spruce Tree Growth in Interior Alaska in Response to Climate Variability: Dendrochronological, Demographic, and Experimental Perspectives
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