
United States Geological Survey Alaska Science Center

United States


federal organization
This organization is related to these organizations :
Layne G. Adams Author 1 article
  1. Simulating the Influences of Various Fire Regimes on Caribou Winter Habitat
Steven C. Amstrup Author 4 articles
  1. Climate Change Threatens Polar Bear Populations: a Stochastic Demographic Analysis
  2. Effects of Earlier Sea Ice Breakup on Survival and Population Size of Polar Bears in Western Hudson Bay
  3. Landward and eastward shift of Alaskan polar bear denning associated with recent sea ice changes
  4. Reduced body size and cub recruitment in polar bears associated with sea ice decline
Christopher D. Arp Author 1 article
  1. Arctic Lake Physical Processes and Regimes with Implications for Winter Water Availability and Management in the National Petroleum Reserve Alaska
Kirsten Barrett Author 1 article
  1. Potential shifts in dominant forest cover in interior Alaska driven by variations in fire severity
David C. Douglas Author 1 article
  1. Landward and eastward shift of Alaskan polar bear denning associated with recent sea ice changes
Anthony S. Fischbach Author 1 article
  1. Landward and eastward shift of Alaskan polar bear denning associated with recent sea ice changes
Kyle Joly Author 1 article
  1. Simulating the Influences of Various Fire Regimes on Caribou Winter Habitat
Benjamin M. Jones Author 1 article
  1. Arctic Lake Physical Processes and Regimes with Implications for Winter Water Availability and Management in the National Petroleum Reserve Alaska
Jennifer L. Nielsen Author 1 article
  1. Nonlinear dynamics in ecosystem response to climatic change: Case studies and policy implications
Elizabeth Peacock Author 1 article
  1. A tale of two polar bear populations: ice habitat, harvest, and body condition
Eric V. Regehr Author 3 articles
  1. Climate Change Threatens Polar Bear Populations: a Stochastic Demographic Analysis
  2. Effects of Earlier Sea Ice Breakup on Survival and Population Size of Polar Bears in Western Hudson Bay
  3. Reduced body size and cub recruitment in polar bears associated with sea ice decline
Joel A. Schmutz Author 1 article
  1. Arctic Lake Physical Processes and Regimes with Implications for Winter Water Availability and Management in the National Petroleum Reserve Alaska
this organization Data Archive 9 datasets
  1. Aerial Image of Alaska's Arctic Coastal Plain; 1955
  2. Aerial Images of Alaska's Arctic Coastal Plain; 1948, 1949
  3. Aerial Images of Alaska's Arctic Coastal Plain; 1974-1979
  4. Avian Habitat Data; Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 2012
  5. Avian Point Transect Survey; Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 2012
  6. Extraction of lakes from an IfSAR DSM and a GIS-based analysis of drainage potential, Western Arctic Coastal Plain of northern Alaska. Study area footprint
  7. U.S. Geological Survey Polar Bear Mark-Recapture Records, Alaska Portion of the Southern Beaufort Sea, 2001-2010
  8. Western Arctic Coastal Plain, IFSAR-derived, Digital Surface Model. University of Alaska Fairbanks, Geophysical Institute Permafrost Laboratory (2013).
  9. Western Arctic Coastal Plain, IfSAR DSM-derived coastline and coastal features. University of Alaska Fairbanks, Geophysical Institute Permafrost Laboratory (2012).

Also known as :
  • Organization U.S. Geological Survey - Alaska Science Center (datagov lexicon)
  • Organization U.S. Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center (datagov lexicon)
  • Organization USGS Alaska Science Center (datagov lexicon)
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