
Princeton University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

United States

academic organization
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Mary Lynn Baeck Author 2 articles
  1. Examining Flood Frequency Distributions in the Midwest U.S.
  2. On the frequency of heavy rainfall for the Midwest of the United States
M. del Jesus Author 1 article
  1. Signs of critical transition in the Everglades wetlands in response to climate and anthropogenic changes
Romano Foti Author 2 articles
  1. Projected freshwater withdrawals in the United States under a changing climate
  2. Signs of critical transition in the Everglades wetlands in response to climate and anthropogenic changes
Lifeng Luo Author 1 article
  1. Past and future changes in climate and hydrological indicators in the US Northeast
Denise L. Mauzerall Author 1 article
  1. Nitrogen-climate interactions in US agriculture
Alexandros A. Ntelekos Author 1 article
  1. Urbanization, climate change and flood policy in the United States
Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbe Author 1 article
  1. Signs of critical transition in the Everglades wetlands in response to climate and anthropogenic changes
Justin Sheffield Author 5 articles
  1. Evaluation of global observations-based evapotranspiration datasets and IPCC AR4 simulations
  2. Little change in global drought over the past 60 years
  3. North American Climate in CMIP5 Experiments. Part II: Evaluation of Historical Simulations of Intraseasonal to Decadal Variability
  4. Past and future changes in climate and hydrological indicators in the US Northeast
  5. Recent decline in the global land evapotranspiration trend due to limited moisture supply
James A. Smith Author 7 articles
  1. Examining Flood Frequency Distributions in the Midwest U.S.
  2. Flood peak distributions for the eastern United States
  3. North Atlantic tropical cyclones and U.S. flooding
  4. On the frequency of heavy rainfall for the Midwest of the United States
  5. On the stationarity of annual flood peaks in the continental United States during the 20th century
  6. U.S. Landfalling and North Atlantic Hurricanes: Statistical Modeling of Their Frequencies and Ratios
  7. Urbanization, climate change and flood policy in the United States
Tara Troy Author 1 article
  1. Past and future changes in climate and hydrological indicators in the US Northeast
Gabriele Villarini Author 5 articles
  1. Examining Flood Frequency Distributions in the Midwest U.S.
  2. Flood peak distributions for the eastern United States
  3. On the frequency of heavy rainfall for the Midwest of the United States
  4. On the stationarity of annual flood peaks in the continental United States during the 20th century
  5. U.S. Landfalling and North Atlantic Hurricanes: Statistical Modeling of Their Frequencies and Ratios
Eric F. Wood Author 4 articles
  1. Evaluation of global observations-based evapotranspiration datasets and IPCC AR4 simulations
  2. Little change in global drought over the past 60 years
  3. Past and future changes in climate and hydrological indicators in the US Northeast
  4. Recent decline in the global land evapotranspiration trend due to limited moisture supply
Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbe Point of Contact 1 article
  1. Signs of critical transition in the Everglades wetlands in response to climate and anthropogenic changes
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