
Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving


national organization
Rob Alkemade Lead Author 1 report
  1. cbd-technical-series-50
Rob Alkemade Author 1 article
  1. Global assessment of nitrogen deposition effects on terrestrial plant diversity: a synthesis
Sebastiaan Deetman Author 1 article
  1. RCP2.6: exploring the possibility to keep global mean temperature increase below 2°C
Michel G. J. den Elzen Author 1 article
  1. RCP2.6: exploring the possibility to keep global mean temperature increase below 2°C
Sybren S. Drijfhout Author 1 article
  1. Making sense of palaeoclimate sensitivity
Henk Hilderink Author 1 article
  1. Downscaling drivers of global environmental change: Enabling use of global SRES scenarios at the national and grid levels
Andries F. Hof Author 2 articles
  1. Adaptation in integrated assessment modeling: where do we stand?
  2. RCP2.6: exploring the possibility to keep global mean temperature increase below 2°C
Morna Isaac Author 2 articles
  1. Adaptation in integrated assessment modeling: where do we stand?
  2. RCP2.6: exploring the possibility to keep global mean temperature increase below 2°C
Kees Klein Goldewijk Author 1 article
  1. RCP2.6: exploring the possibility to keep global mean temperature increase below 2°C
Tom Kram Author 3 articles
  1. RCP2.6: exploring the possibility to keep global mean temperature increase below 2°C
  2. The next generation of scenarios for climate change research and assessment
  3. The representative concentration pathways: an overview
Paul L. Lucas Author 1 article
  1. Downscaling drivers of global environmental change: Enabling use of global SRES scenarios at the national and grid levels
Angelica Mendoza Beltran Author 1 article
  1. RCP2.6: exploring the possibility to keep global mean temperature increase below 2°C
Rineke Oostenrijk Author 1 article
  1. RCP2.6: exploring the possibility to keep global mean temperature increase below 2°C
Elke Stehfest Author 1 article
  1. RCP2.6: exploring the possibility to keep global mean temperature increase below 2°C
Bas van Ruijven Author 1 article
  1. RCP2.6: exploring the possibility to keep global mean temperature increase below 2°C
Jasper van Vliet Author 1 article
  1. RCP2.6: exploring the possibility to keep global mean temperature increase below 2°C
Detlef van Vuuren Author 8 articles
  1. A special issue on the RCPs
  2. Adaptation in integrated assessment modeling: where do we stand?
  3. Downscaling drivers of global environmental change: Enabling use of global SRES scenarios at the national and grid levels
  4. Non-Kyoto radiative forcing in long-run greenhouse gas emissions and climate change scenarios
  5. RCP2.6: exploring the possibility to keep global mean temperature increase below 2°C
  6. The RCP greenhouse gas concentrations and their extensions from 1765 to 2300
  7. The next generation of scenarios for climate change research and assessment
  8. The representative concentration pathways: an overview
Peter Bosch Editor 1 report
  1. ipcc-ar4-wg3
Ruutu Dave Editor 1 report
  1. ipcc-ar4-wg3
Bert Metz Editor 1 report
  1. ipcc-ar4-wg3
Leo Meyer Editor 1 report
  1. ipcc-ar4-wg3
Hans van Grinsven Editor 1 book
  1. The European Nitrogen Assessme...
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