
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Climatic Data Center

United States

federal organization
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James Kossin Lead Author 3 chapters
  1. nca3 chapter 2 : Our Changing Climate
  2. nca3 chapter 33 : Appendix 3: Climate Science Supplement
  3. nca3 chapter 34 : Appendix 4: Frequently Asked Questions
Kenneth Kunkel Lead Author 4 chapters
  1. nca3 chapter 2 : Our Changing Climate
  2. nca3 chapter 29 : Research Needs for Climate and Global Change Assessments
  3. nca3 chapter 33 : Appendix 3: Climate Science Supplement
  4. nca3 chapter 34 : Appendix 4: Frequently Asked Questions
Graeme Stephens Lead Author 1 chapter
  1. nca3 chapter 34 : Appendix 4: Frequently Asked Questions
Russell S. Vose Lead Author 3 chapters
  1. nca3 chapter 2 : Our Changing Climate
  2. nca3 chapter 33 : Appendix 3: Climate Science Supplement
  3. nca3 chapter 34 : Appendix 4: Frequently Asked Questions
David Anderson Contributing Author 3 chapters
  1. nca3 chapter 2 : Our Changing Climate
  2. nca3 chapter 33 : Appendix 3: Climate Science Supplement
  3. nca3 chapter 34 : Appendix 4: Frequently Asked Questions
this organization Author 1 figure
  1. usgcrp-ocpfy2016 2.1
Author 1 image
  1. 8d0470b1
Author 2 reports
  1. ncdc-sotc-drought2013
  2. noaa-state-of-the-climate-highlights-2009
Scott Applequist Author 3 articles
  1. An intercomparison of temperature trends in the U.S. Historical Climatology Network and recent atmospheric reanalyses
  2. Improved Historical Temperature and Precipitation Time Series for U.S. Climate Divisions
  3. Monitoring and Understanding Changes in Extremes: Extratropical Storms, Winds, and Waves
Derek S. Arndt Author 4 articles
  1. Improved Historical Temperature and Precipitation Time Series for U.S. Climate Divisions
  2. Monitoring and Understanding Trends in Extreme Storms: State of Knowledge
  3. NOAA's Merged Land–Ocean Surface Temperature Analysis
  4. U.S. temperature and drought: Recent anomalies and trends
Viva F. Banzon Author 2 articles
  1. NOAA's Merged Land–Ocean Surface Temperature Analysis
  2. Why Did Large Differences Arise in the Sea Surface Temperature Datasets across the Tropical Pacific during 2012?
John J. Bates Author 1 article
  1. U.S. temperature and drought: Recent anomalies and trends
Jesse E. Bell Author 1 article
  1. U.S. Climate Reference Network after One Decade of Operations: Status and Assessment
Michael Brewer Author 1 article
  1. U.S. temperature and drought: Recent anomalies and trends
Howard J. Diamond Author 2 articles
  1. The International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship (IBTrACS)
  2. U.S. Climate Reference Network after One Decade of Operations: Status and Assessment
Imke Durre Author 2 articles
  1. An Overview of the Global Historical Climatology Network-Daily Database
  2. Improved Historical Temperature and Precipitation Time Series for U.S. Climate Divisions
David R. Easterling Author 20 articles
  1. A closer look at United States and global surface temperature change
  2. A new look at lake-effect snowfall trends in the Laurentian Great Lakes using a temporally homogeneous data set
  3. Contemporary Changes of the Hydrological Cycle over the Contiguous United States: Trends Derived from In Situ Observations
  4. Effects of Recent Thermometer Changes in the Cooperative Station Network
  5. Is a Transition to Semipermanent Drought Conditions Imminent in the U.S. Great Plains?
  6. Is the climate warming or cooling?
  7. Maximum and Minimum Temperature Trends for the Globe
  8. Maximum and minimum temperature trends for the globe: An update through 2004
  9. Meteorological Causes of the Secular Variations in Observed Extreme Precipitation Events for the Conterminous United States
  10. Monitoring and Understanding Changes in Extremes: Extratropical Storms, Winds, and Waves
  11. NOAA's Merged Land–Ocean Surface Temperature Analysis
  12. Projections of Future Drought in the Continental United States and Mexico
  13. Recent increases in U.S. heavy precipitation associated with tropical cyclones
  14. Relative increase of record high maximum temperatures compared to record low minimum temperatures in the U.S.
  15. Temporal variations in frost-free season in the United States: 1895–2000
  16. Temporal variations in frost-free season in the United States: 1895–2000
  17. Trends in Twentieth-Century U.S. Extreme Snowfall Seasons
  18. Trends in Twentieth-Century U.S. Snowfall Using a Quality-Controlled Dataset
  19. U.S. Climate Reference Network after One Decade of Operations: Status and Assessment
  20. U.S. temperature and drought: Recent anomalies and trends
Author 1 report
  1. ccsp-iastate-noaa-cornclim-2009
Chris Fenimore Author 1 article
  1. Improved Historical Temperature and Precipitation Time Series for U.S. Climate Divisions
Byron E. Gleason Author 9 articles
  1. An Overview of the Global Historical Climatology Network-Daily Database
  2. An overview of the Global Historical Climatology Network monthly mean temperature data set, version 3
  3. Global observed changes in daily climate extremes of temperature and precipitation
  4. Maximum and minimum temperature trends for the globe: An update through 2004
  5. Meteorological Causes of the Secular Variations in Observed Extreme Precipitation Events for the Conterminous United States
  6. NOAA's Merged Land–Ocean Surface Temperature Analysis
  7. Observed coherent changes in climatic extremes during the second half of the twentieth century
  8. Recent increases in U.S. heavy precipitation associated with tropical cyclones
  9. U.S. temperature and drought: Recent anomalies and trends
Karin Gleason Author 1 article
  1. Improved Historical Temperature and Precipitation Time Series for U.S. Climate Divisions
Grant Goodge Author 1 article
  1. U.S. Climate Reference Network after One Decade of Operations: Status and Assessment
Pavel Ya Groisman Author 5 articles
  1. Changes in Intense Precipitation over the Central United States
  2. Contemporary Changes of the Hydrological Cycle over the Contiguous United States: Trends Derived from In Situ Observations
  3. Monitoring and Understanding Trends in Extreme Storms: State of Knowledge
  4. Prolonged Dry Episodes over the Conterminous United States: New Tendencies Emerging during the Last 40 Years
  5. Relationships between Recent Pan-Arctic Snow Cover and Hydroclimate Trends
Richard Heim Author 4 articles
  1. Megadroughts in North America: placing IPCC projections of hydroclimatic change in a long-term palaeoclimate context
  2. Monitoring and Understanding Changes in Heat Waves, Cold Waves, Floods, and Droughts in the United States: State of Knowledge
  3. Projections of Future Drought in the Continental United States and Mexico
  4. U.S. temperature and drought: Recent anomalies and trends
Michael R. Helfert Author 1 article
  1. U.S. Climate Reference Network after One Decade of Operations: Status and Assessment
Tamara G. Houston Author 1 article
  1. An Overview of the Global Historical Climatology Network-Daily Database
Author 1 report
  1. trb-clim-2006
Boyin Huang Author 2 articles
  1. NOAA's Merged Land–Ocean Surface Temperature Analysis
  2. Why Did Large Differences Arise in the Sea Surface Temperature Datasets across the Tropical Pacific during 2012?
Pamela Y. Hughes Author 1 article
  1. Effects of Recent Thermometer Changes in the Cooperative Station Network
Paul Jamason Author 1 article
  1. Maximum and Minimum Temperature Trends for the Globe
Thomas R. Karl Author 17 articles
  1. A Model to Estimate the Time of Observation Bias Associated with Monthly Mean Maximum, Minimum and Mean Temperatures for the United States
  2. A closer look at United States and global surface temperature change
  3. CMIP5 Climate Model Analyses: Climate Extremes in the United States
  4. Changes in Intense Precipitation over the Central United States
  5. Contemporary Changes of the Hydrological Cycle over the Contiguous United States: Trends Derived from In Situ Observations
  6. Economic Growth in the Face of Weather and Climate Extremes: A Call for Better Data
  7. Effects of Recent Thermometer Changes in the Cooperative Station Network
  8. Maximum and Minimum Temperature Trends for the Globe
  9. Monitoring and Understanding Changes in Extremes: Extratropical Storms, Winds, and Waves
  10. Monitoring and Understanding Changes in Heat Waves, Cold Waves, Floods, and Droughts in the United States: State of Knowledge
  11. Monitoring and Understanding Trends in Extreme Storms: State of Knowledge
  12. Secular Trends of Precipitation Amount, Frequency, and Intensity in the United States
  13. Separating signal and noise in atmospheric temperature changes: The importance of timescale
  14. The 1995 Chicago heat wave: How likely is a recurrence?
  15. The impact of decadal fluctuations in mean precipitation and temperature on runoff: A sensitivity study over the United States
  16. U.S. Climate Reference Network after One Decade of Operations: Status and Assessment
  17. U.S. temperature and drought: Recent anomalies and trends
Ed Kearns Author 1 article
  1. NOAA's Merged Land–Ocean Surface Temperature Analysis
Kenneth R. Knapp Author 3 articles
  1. A globally consistent reanalysis of hurricane variability and trends
  2. The International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship (IBTrACS)
  3. Trend Analysis with a New Global Record of Tropical Cyclone Intensity
Richard W. Knight Author 4 articles
  1. Changes in Intense Precipitation over the Central United States
  2. Contemporary Changes of the Hydrological Cycle over the Contiguous United States: Trends Derived from In Situ Observations
  3. Secular Trends of Precipitation Amount, Frequency, and Intensity in the United States
  4. The 1995 Chicago heat wave: How likely is a recurrence?
James Kossin Author 5 articles
  1. Climate Modulation of North Atlantic Hurricane Tracks
  2. Hurricanes and Climate: The U.S. CLIVAR Working Group on Hurricanes
  3. Monitoring and Understanding Trends in Extreme Storms: State of Knowledge
  4. Trend Analysis with a New Global Record of Tropical Cyclone Intensity
  5. Tropical cyclones and climate change
Michael C. Kruk Author 1 report
  1. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-4
Kenneth Kunkel Author 4 articles
  1. Effects of ocean warming on growth and distribution of dinoflagellates associated with ciguatera fish poisoning in the Caribbean
  2. Meteorological Causes of the Secular Variations in Observed Extreme Precipitation Events for the Conterminous United States
  3. Monitoring and Understanding Trends in Extreme Storms: State of Knowledge
  4. Recent increases in U.S. heavy precipitation associated with tropical cyclones
Author 9 reports
  1. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-1
  2. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-2
  3. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-3
  4. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-4
  5. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-5
  6. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-6
  7. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-7
  8. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-8
  9. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-9
Jay H. Lawrimore Author 8 articles
  1. An overview of the Global Historical Climatology Network monthly mean temperature data set, version 3
  2. Contemporary Changes of the Hydrological Cycle over the Contiguous United States: Trends Derived from In Situ Observations
  3. Improvements to NOAA’s Historical Merged Land–Ocean Surface Temperature Analysis (1880–2006)
  4. Monitoring and Understanding Trends in Extreme Storms: State of Knowledge
  5. NOAA's Merged Land–Ocean Surface Temperature Analysis
  6. Projections of Future Drought in the Continental United States and Mexico
  7. U.S. Climate Reference Network after One Decade of Operations: Status and Assessment
  8. Why Did Large Differences Arise in the Sea Surface Temperature Datasets across the Tropical Pacific during 2012?
Ronald D. Leeper Author 1 article
  1. U.S. Climate Reference Network after One Decade of Operations: Status and Assessment
David H. Levinson Author 1 article
  1. The International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship (IBTrACS)
Michelle L’Heureux Author 1 article
  1. Why Did Large Differences Arise in the Sea Surface Temperature Datasets across the Tropical Pacific during 2012?
Marjorie McGuirk Author 1 article
  1. Weather and Climate Change Implications for Surface Transportation in the USA
Author 1 report
  1. trb-clim-2006
Matthew J. Menne Author 11 articles
  1. An Overview of the Global Historical Climatology Network-Daily Database
  2. An intercomparison of temperature trends in the U.S. Historical Climatology Network and recent atmospheric reanalyses
  3. An overview of the Global Historical Climatology Network monthly mean temperature data set, version 3
  4. Benchmarking the performance of pairwise homogenization of surface temperatures in the United States
  5. Homogenization of Temperature Series via Pairwise Comparisons
  6. Improved Historical Temperature and Precipitation Time Series for U.S. Climate Divisions
  7. NOAA's Merged Land–Ocean Surface Temperature Analysis
  8. On the reliability of the U.S. surface temperature record
  9. Quantifying the effect of urbanization on U.S. Historical Climatology Network temperature records
  10. The U.S. Historical Climatology Network Monthly Temperature Data, Version 2
  11. U.S. temperature and drought: Recent anomalies and trends
Michael A. Palecki Author 3 articles
  1. On the reliability of the U.S. surface temperature record
  2. Trends in Twentieth-Century U.S. Extreme Snowfall Seasons
  3. U.S. Climate Reference Network after One Decade of Operations: Status and Assessment
Thomas C. Peterson Author 12 articles
  1. A closer look at United States and global surface temperature change
  2. Explaining Extreme Events of 2011 from a Climate Perspective
  3. Global observed changes in daily climate extremes of temperature and precipitation
  4. Improvements to NOAA’s Historical Merged Land–Ocean Surface Temperature Analysis (1880–2006)
  5. Maximum and Minimum Temperature Trends for the Globe
  6. Monitoring and Understanding Changes in Extremes: Extratropical Storms, Winds, and Waves
  7. Monitoring and Understanding Changes in Heat Waves, Cold Waves, Floods, and Droughts in the United States: State of Knowledge
  8. Monitoring and Understanding Trends in Extreme Storms: State of Knowledge
  9. NOAA's Merged Land–Ocean Surface Temperature Analysis
  10. Observed coherent changes in climatic extremes during the second half of the twentieth century
  11. The Myth of the 1970s Global Cooling Scientific Consensus
  12. Weather and Climate Change Implications for Surface Transportation in the USA
Author 1 report
  1. trb-clim-2006
Jeffrey L. Privette Author 1 article
  1. U.S. temperature and drought: Recent anomalies and trends
Robert G. Quayle Author 1 article
  1. Effects of Recent Thermometer Changes in the Cooperative Station Network
Jared Rennie Author 1 article
  1. An overview of the Global Historical Climatology Network monthly mean temperature data set, version 3
Richard W. Reynolds Author 5 articles
  1. A Global Merged Land–Air–Sea Surface Temperature Reconstruction Based on Historical Observations (1880–1997)
  2. Bias Corrections for Historical Sea Surface Temperatures Based on Marine Air Temperatures
  3. Improved Extended Reconstruction of SST (1854–1997)
  4. Improvements to NOAA’s Historical Merged Land–Ocean Surface Temperature Analysis (1880–2006)
  5. Interdecadal Changes of 30-Yr SST Normals during 1871–2000
Karsten Shein Author 1 article
  1. Monitoring and Understanding Changes in Extremes: Extratropical Storms, Winds, and Waves
Adam B. Smith Author 1 article
  1. US billion-dollar weather and climate disasters: Data sources, trends, accuracy and biases
Thomas M. Smith Author 4 articles
  1. A Global Merged Land–Air–Sea Surface Temperature Reconstruction Based on Historical Observations (1880–1997)
  2. Bias Corrections for Historical Sea Surface Temperatures Based on Marine Air Temperatures
  3. Improved Extended Reconstruction of SST (1854–1997)
  4. Interdecadal Changes of 30-Yr SST Normals during 1871–2000
Mike Squires Author 1 article
  1. Improved Historical Temperature and Precipitation Time Series for U.S. Climate Divisions
Laura Stevens Author 9 reports
  1. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-1
  2. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-2
  3. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-3
  4. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-4
  5. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-5
  6. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-6
  7. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-7
  8. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-8
  9. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-9
Scott E. Stevens Author 7 reports
  1. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-1
  2. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-2
  3. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-3
  4. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-4
  5. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-5
  6. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-6
  7. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-9
Brooke C. Stewart Author 1 report
  1. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-7
Bomin Sun Author 1 article
  1. Contemporary Changes of the Hydrological Cycle over the Contiguous United States: Trends Derived from In Situ Observations
Liqiang Sun Author 9 reports
  1. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-1
  2. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-2
  3. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-3
  4. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-4
  5. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-5
  6. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-6
  7. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-7
  8. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-8
  9. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-9
Devin P. Thomas Author 1 report
  1. noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-4
Peter Thorne Author 5 articles
  1. An intercomparison of temperature trends in the U.S. Historical Climatology Network and recent atmospheric reanalyses
  2. Benchmarking the performance of pairwise homogenization of surface temperatures in the United States
  3. Models versus radiosondes in the free atmosphere: A new detection and attribution analysis of temperature
  4. Separating signal and noise in atmospheric temperature changes: The importance of timescale
  5. U.S. Climate Reference Network after One Decade of Operations: Status and Assessment
Russell S. Vose Author 12 articles
  1. An Overview of the Global Historical Climatology Network-Daily Database
  2. An intercomparison of temperature trends in the U.S. Historical Climatology Network and recent atmospheric reanalyses
  3. An overview of the Global Historical Climatology Network monthly mean temperature data set, version 3
  4. Improved Historical Temperature and Precipitation Time Series for U.S. Climate Divisions
  5. Maximum and minimum temperature trends for the globe: An update through 2004
  6. Megadroughts in North America: placing IPCC projections of hydroclimatic change in a long-term palaeoclimate context
  7. Monitoring and Understanding Changes in Extremes: Extratropical Storms, Winds, and Waves
  8. Monitoring and Understanding Changes in Heat Waves, Cold Waves, Floods, and Droughts in the United States: State of Knowledge
  9. Monitoring and Understanding Trends in Extreme Storms: State of Knowledge
  10. NOAA's Merged Land–Ocean Surface Temperature Analysis
  11. Projections of Future Drought in the Continental United States and Mexico
  12. The U.S. Historical Climatology Network Monthly Temperature Data, Version 2
Eugene R. Wahl Author 1 article
  1. Continental-scale temperature variability during the past two millennia
Claude N. Williams Author 10 articles
  1. A Model to Estimate the Time of Observation Bias Associated with Monthly Mean Maximum, Minimum and Mean Temperatures for the United States
  2. An intercomparison of temperature trends in the U.S. Historical Climatology Network and recent atmospheric reanalyses
  3. An overview of the Global Historical Climatology Network monthly mean temperature data set, version 3
  4. Benchmarking the performance of pairwise homogenization of surface temperatures in the United States
  5. Homogenization of Temperature Series via Pairwise Comparisons
  6. Improved Historical Temperature and Precipitation Time Series for U.S. Climate Divisions
  7. NOAA's Merged Land–Ocean Surface Temperature Analysis
  8. On the reliability of the U.S. surface temperature record
  9. Quantifying the effect of urbanization on U.S. Historical Climatology Network temperature records
  10. The U.S. Historical Climatology Network Monthly Temperature Data, Version 2
Connie A. Woodhouse Author 1 article
  1. Updated streamflow reconstructions for the Upper Colorado River Basin
David Wuertz Author 2 articles
  1. An overview of the Global Historical Climatology Network monthly mean temperature data set, version 3
  2. NOAA's Merged Land–Ocean Surface Temperature Analysis
Pamela J. Young Author 1 article
  1. A Model to Estimate the Time of Observation Bias Associated with Monthly Mean Maximum, Minimum and Mean Temperatures for the United States
Huai-Min Zhang Author 1 article
  1. Why Did Large Differences Arise in the Sea Surface Temperature Datasets across the Tropical Pacific during 2012?
Derek S. Arndt Editor 4 reports
  1. bams-state-of-the-climate-2009
  2. bams-state-of-the-climate-2010
  3. bams-state-of-the-climate-2011
  4. bams-state-of-the-climate-2013
Jessica Blunden Editor 3 reports
  1. bams-state-of-the-climate-2010
  2. bams-state-of-the-climate-2011
  3. bams-state-of-the-climate-2013
Stephanie C. Herring Editor 1 report
  1. bams-explaining-extreme-events-2013-climate-perspective
Thomas R. Karl Editor 1 report
  1. nca2
John J. Marra Editor 2 reports
  1. 2012-pirca
  2. pirca-climate-change-and-pacific-islands
Thomas C. Peterson Editor 3 reports
  1. bams-explaining-extreme-events-2013-climate-perspective
  2. bams-state-of-the-climate-2008
  3. nca2
this organization Data Producer 2 datasets
  1. Population-weighted Heating and Cooling Degree Days
  2. nClimdDiv CONUS dataset (based on GHCN-D)
Data Producer 4 reports
  1. indicator-global-surface-temperature
  2. indicator-heating-cooling-degree-days
  3. indicator-start-of-spring
  4. indicator-us-surface-temperature
this organization Data Archive 6 datasets
  1. Climate Reconstructions
  2. Ice Cores
  3. Insect Data
  4. International Tree Ring Data Bank (ITRDB)
  5. Paleolimnology
  6. Population-weighted Heating and Cooling Degree Days
this organization Funding Agency 1 report
  1. 2012-pirca
this organization Distributor 3 reports
  1. ncdc-sotc-drought2013
  2. noaa-state-of-the-climate-highlights-2009
  3. us-weather-bureau-meteorological-drought
this organization Host 11 webpages
  1. Billion Dollar Weather/Climate Disasters
  2. Climate Data Online
  3. Climate at a Glance: Time Series of Contiguous US Average Temperature 1901-2000
  4. Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature
  5. Global Surface Temperature Anomalies
  6. Heating & Cooling Degree Day Data
  7. State Climate Extremes Committee - Records
  8. State of the Climate Reports
  9. State of the Climate Wildfires
  10. State of the Climate: Drought - December 2012
  11. nClimDiv Maximum and Minimum Temperature Data
Chris Fenimore Scientist 2 figures
  1. nca3 10.2
  2. nca3 19.10
Scientist 2 images
  1. b8b652de
  2. cfe0088a
Mike Squires Scientist 1 figure
  1. nca3 19.1
Scientist 4 images
  1. 36c13a53
  2. a92a35a8
  3. d770bacd
  4. e30b4e0f
Russell S. Vose Scientist 2 images
  1. 3ae87b76
  2. 8e74f576
David Wuertz Scientist 1 figure
  1. nca3 34.8
Scientist 1 image
  1. 14d6d5e3
Xungang Yin Scientist 1 figure
  1. nca3 2.22
Scientist 4 images
  1. abbb11a4
  2. b5ab5f96
  3. c1aa195c
  4. d21ef937
Derek S. Arndt Point of Contact 2 reports
  1. indicator-global-surface-temperature
  2. indicator-us-surface-temperature
Stephanie C. Herring Point of Contact 1 report
  1. bams-explaining-extreme-events-2013-climate-perspective
Adam Smith Point of Contact 1 image
  1. 0e39bf09
this organization Contributing Agency 1 figure
  1. usgcrp-ocpfy2016 2.4
Contributing Agency 1 image
  1. bef72a49
this organization Publisher 1 report
  1. ncdc-sotc-drought2013
Richard Heim Contributor 1 figure
  1. usgcrp-ocpfy2014 4.13
Contributor 1 image
  1. ceef4068

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