
National Research Council

United States

consortium organization
This organization is related to these organizations :
These organizations are related to this organization :
this organization Author 1 book
  1. Facing the Unexpected: Disaste...
Author 52 reports
  1. iom-indoorenvironment-2011
  2. nrc-abruptclimatechange-2002
  3. nrc-acf-2009
  4. nrc-adaptingimpactsclimatechange-inbrief-2010
  5. nrc-adaptingtoimpactsofclimatechange-2010
  6. nrc-advancing-landchange-modeling-2014
  7. nrc-advancing-science-climate-change-2010
  8. nrc-advancingscienceclimatechange-inbrief-2010
  9. nrc-aef-technology-2010
  10. nrc-americabecomingvol1-2001
  11. nrc-americasclimatechoices-2011
  12. nrc-americasclimatechoices-inbrief-2011
  13. nrc-analysis-assessments-2007
  14. nrc-bay-delta-2012
  15. nrc-baydelta-2010
  16. nrc-baydelta-2011
  17. nrc-beachnourishment-1995
  18. nrc-climate-social-stress-2013
  19. nrc-disaster-2012
  20. nrc-earthscispace-2007
  21. nrc-ecologicalindicators-2000
  22. nrc-enhancing-participation-2016
  23. nrc-facilitatingclimch-2010
  24. nrc-facinghazards-2006
  25. nrc-frontiers-2011
  26. nrc-globalchange-extreme-hydrology-2011
  27. nrc-globalclimatechangeextremes-2008
  28. nrc-groundwater-fluxes-2004
  29. nrc-hispanics-america-2006
  30. nrc-inform-decisions-2009
  31. nrc-informingeffectiveresponseclimatechange-inbrief-2010
  32. nrc-limitingmagnitiudefutureclimatechange-inbrief-2010
  33. nrc-limitingmagnitude-2010
  34. nrc-linkingknowledge-2006
  35. nrc-multiplestresses-2007
  36. nrc-nationalstrategy-advancing-climate-modeling-2012
  37. nrc-nationsafer-2002
  38. nrc-noaa-2008
  39. nrc-oceanacidification-2010
  40. nrc-public-participation-2008
  41. nrc-renewable-2011 (ref: 9e8af8e6 2011)
  42. nrc-review-usgcrp-update-strategic-plan-2016
  43. nrc-sea-level-rise-2012
  44. nrc-stabilization-targets-2011
  45. nrc-sustainability-2013
  46. nrc-sustainable-agriculture-2010
  47. nrc-transportationresearchboard-specialreport290
  48. nrc-understandingrisk-1996
  49. nrc-usace-2004
  50. nrc-usgcrp-2011
  51. nrc-valuingecosystem-2005
  52. nrc-watereuse-2012
this organization Author 3 reports
  1. nrc-renewable-2011 (ref: 9e8af8e6 2011)
  2. nrc-specialreport-299 (ref: db0a6a34 2009)
  3. nrc-transitcoop-74 (ref: 4c4641ef 2002)
Meredith A. Lane Author 1 article
  1. From global change science to action with social sciences
Ryan Maue Author 1 article
  1. Historical Global Tropical Cyclone Landfalls
Zorimar Rivera Author 1 article
  1. Climate Change, Heat Waves, and Environmental Justice: Advancing Knowledge and Action
Daniel J. Sobota Author 2 articles
  1. Intentional versus unintentional nitrogen use in the United States: trends, efficiency and implications
  2. Reactive nitrogen inputs to US lands and waterways: how certain are we about sources and fluxes?
Paul C. Stern Author 2 articles
  1. From global change science to action with social sciences
  2. Implementing the behavioral wedge: Designing and adopting effective carbon emissions reduction programs. Vanderbilt public law research paper no. 10-26
Thomas Dietz Editor 1 report
  1. nrc-public-participation-2008
William Easterling Editor 1 report
  1. nrc-forecasts-1999
Jo L. Husbands Editor 1 report
  1. nrc-climate-social-stress-2013
Helen Ingram Editor 1 report
  1. nrc-noaa-2008
Faith Mitchell Editor 1 report
  1. nrc-americabecomingvol1-2001
John D. Steinbruner Editor 1 report
  1. nrc-climate-social-stress-2013
Paul C. Stern Editor 5 reports
  1. nrc-climate-social-stress-2013
  2. nrc-forecasts-1999
  3. nrc-noaa-2008
  4. nrc-public-participation-2008
  5. nrc-understandingrisk-1996
this organization Distributor 2 reports
  1. nrc-baydelta-2010
  2. nrc-informingresponse-2010
this organization Publisher 1 report
  1. nrc-informingresponse-2010

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