Who | Role | Publications |
Kerim Y. Aydin
Author |
1 article
Linking oceanic food webs to coastal production and growth rates of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), using models on three scales
John L. Bengtson
Author |
2 reports
Peter L. Boveng
Author |
2 reports
Michael F. Cameron
Author |
2 reports
Shawn P. Dahle
Author |
2 reports
Lisa B. Eisner
Author |
2 articles
Climate impacts on eastern Bering Sea foodwebs: a synthesis of new data and an assessment of the Oscillating Control Hypothesis
Fluxes, Fins, and Feathers: Relationships Among the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas in a Time of Climate Change
Edward V. Farley Jr.
Author |
3 articles
A comparison of the physics of the northern and southern shelves of the eastern Bering Sea and some implications for the ecosystem
Climate impacts on eastern Bering Sea foodwebs: a synthesis of new data and an assessment of the Oscillating Control Hypothesis
Distribution, Migration Pathways, and Size of Western Alaska Juvenile Salmon Along the Eastern Bering Sea Shelf
Ron A. Heintz
Author |
1 article
Climate impacts on eastern Bering Sea foodwebs: a synthesis of new data and an assessment of the Oscillating Control Hypothesis
Anne Babcock Hollowed
Author |
4 articles
Climate Change Impacts on Marine Ecosystems
Expected declines in recruitment of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the eastern Bering Sea under future climate change
Pacific Basin climate variability and patterns of Northeast Pacific marine fish production
Securing ocean benefits for society in the face of climate change
James N. Ianelli
Author |
1 article
Expected declines in recruitment of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the eastern Bering Sea under future climate change
John K. Jansen
Author |
2 reports
Brendan P. Kelly
Author |
2 reports
Robert Lauth
Author |
1 article
Fluxes, Fins, and Feathers: Relationships Among the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas in a Time of Climate Change
Michael A. Litzow
Author |
1 article
Sea Ice Retreat Alters the Biogeography of the Bering Sea Continental Shelf
Elizabeth A. Logerwell
Author |
1 article
Fluxes, Fins, and Feathers: Relationships Among the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas in a Time of Climate Change
Author |
2 reports
Bernard A. Megrey
Author |
1 article
Linking oceanic food webs to coastal production and growth rates of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), using models on three scales
Angela Middleton
Author |
1 article
Distribution, Migration Pathways, and Size of Western Alaska Juvenile Salmon Along the Eastern Bering Sea Shelf
Sue E. Moore
Author |
1 article
Arctic Marine Mammals and Climate Change: Impacts and Resilience
Jamal H. Moss
Author |
1 article
Distribution, Migration Pathways, and Size of Western Alaska Juvenile Salmon Along the Eastern Bering Sea Shelf
James M. Murphy
Author |
1 article
Distribution, Migration Pathways, and Size of Western Alaska Juvenile Salmon Along the Eastern Bering Sea Shelf
Jeffrey M. Napp
Author |
2 articles
A comparison of the physics of the northern and southern shelves of the eastern Bering Sea and some implications for the ecosystem
Climate impacts on eastern Bering Sea foodwebs: a synthesis of new data and an assessment of the Oscillating Control Hypothesis
Patrick H. Ressler
Author |
1 article
Climate impacts on eastern Bering Sea foodwebs: a synthesis of new data and an assessment of the Oscillating Control Hypothesis
Michael F. Sigler
Author |
2 articles
A comparison of the physics of the northern and southern shelves of the eastern Bering Sea and some implications for the ecosystem
Fluxes, Fins, and Feathers: Relationships Among the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas in a Time of Climate Change
Sidney G. Taylor
Author |
1 article
Climate warming causes phenological shift in Pink Salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, behavior at Auke Creek, Alaska
Bruce W. Wing
Author |
1 article
Distribution, Migration Pathways, and Size of Western Alaska Juvenile Salmon Along the Eastern Bering Sea Shelf