
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

United States

federal organization
This organization is related to these organizations :
These organizations are related to this organization :
Margaret A. Davidson Convening Lead Author 1 chapter
  1. nca3 chapter 25 : Coastal Zone Development and Ecosystems
John J. Marra Convening Lead Author 1 chapter
  1. nca3 chapter 23 : Hawai'i and U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands
Derek S. Arndt Coordinating Lead Author 1 report
  1. nca-ti-indicators-2012
Melissa A. Kenney Coordinating Lead Author 1 report
  1. nca-ti-indicators-2012
Michael Alexander Lead Author 1 chapter
  1. nca3 chapter 24 : Oceans and Marine Resources
Michael Brewer Lead Author 1 report
  1. nca-waterresourcessector-2013
Stephen K. Gill Lead Author 1 report
  1. sap-4_1-coastal-sensitivity-sea-level-rise
Michelle Hawkins Lead Author 1 chapter
  1. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 chapter 2 : Temperature-Related Death and Illness
Stephanie C. Herring Lead Author 1 chapter
  1. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 chapter 4 : Impacts of Extreme Events on Human Health
Doug Kluck Lead Author 1 chapter
  1. nca3 chapter 19 : Great Plains
Chad McNutt Lead Author 1 report
  1. nca-waterresourcessector-2013
Laura Petes Lead Author 1 chapter
  1. nca3 chapter 25 : Coastal Zone Development and Ecosystems
Jeffrey Polovina Lead Author 1 chapter
  1. nca3 chapter 23 : Hawai'i and U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands
Eileen Shea Lead Author 1 chapter
  1. nca3 chapter 23 : Hawai'i and U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands
Rebecca Smyth Lead Author 1 chapter
  1. nca3 chapter 20 : Southwest
Juli Trtanj Lead Author 1 chapter
  1. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 chapter 6 : Climate Impacts on Water-Related Illnesses
Lead Author 2 reports
  1. niehs-cchhgbrochure-2010
  2. niehs-climch-2010
David R. Easterling Contributing Author 2 chapters
  1. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 Appendix 1: Technical Support Document
  2. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 chapter 1 : Climate Change and Human Health
Contributing Author 1 report
  1. nca-ti-indicators-2012
David Enfield Contributing Author 1 report
  1. flclimchtaskforce-climscenarios-2011
John Jacobs Contributing Author 1 chapter
  1. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 chapter 6 : Climate Impacts on Water-Related Illnesses
Chad McNutt Contributing Author 1 report
  1. nca-ti-indicators-2012
Bill Peterson Contributing Author 1 report
  1. ccsp-sap-4_3-2008
Roger S. Pulwarty Contributing Author 1 report
  1. nca-ti-indicators-2012
Robert S. Webb Contributing Author 1 report
  1. nca-ti-indicators-2012
this organization Author 1 article
  1. National Climate Assessment Development and Advisory Committee; Request for Nominations and Notice of Meeting
Author 1 figure
  1. usgcrp-ocpfy2016 2.2
Author 1 image
  1. d6a45633
Author 7 reports
  1. ccsp-listensesshi-aug2008
  2. ccsp-listensessms-mar2009
  3. ccsp-sap-2_2-2007
  4. ccsp-sap-2_2brochure-2007
  5. fws-nfwpcasprog-2014
  6. noaa-state-of-the-climate-highlights-2009
  7. scipp-4annreport-2012 (ref: 2d87ee3c 2012)
this organization Author 2 reports
  1. noaa-usda-technicalreport-2008-1 (ref: 2b4dcdde 2008)
  2. usgcrp-ncadac-nca-sasrwgreportfact-2012
this organization Author 7 reports
  1. fws-nfwpcas-2012 (ref: c3b02b08 2012)
  2. noaa-czma1972 (ref: 82bc09a8 1972)
  3. noaa-oceans-2010 (ref: 2d2b3b7d 2010)
  4. noaa-westgov-mou-2011 (ref: 03736cfb 2011)
  5. noaacensus-stateofthecoast-2013 (ref: 169c5207 2013)
  6. noaaogp-connecting-2002 (ref: fbb30099 2002)
  7. nws-noaa-usfloodlossreport-2011 (ref: f86905f5 2013)
this organization Author 1 report
  1. epa-wheneverydrop-2010 (ref: 792a6471 2010)
Raymond Assel Author 1 article
  1. Interannual variability of Great Lakes ice cover and its relationship to NAO and ENSO
Robert Atlas Author 1 article
  1. Impact of the Atlantic warm pool on United States landfalling hurricanes
Nancy Beller-Simms Author 1 article
  1. From global change science to action with social sciences
James H. Butler Author 1 article
  1. Non-CO2 greenhouse gases and climate change
Anne Clites Author 2 articles
  1. Interannual variability of Great Lakes ice cover and its relationship to NAO and ENSO
  2. Severe Ice Cover on Great Lakes During Winter 2008-2009
Mary Culver Author 2 reports
  1. nasa-techmemo-2000-206892-vol11
  2. noaa-techmemo-oar-cpo-1-2012
Henry F. Diaz Author 1 article
  1. Continental-scale temperature variability during the past two millennia
Ed J. Dlugokencky Author 1 article
  1. Non-CO2 greenhouse gases and climate change
Michael Fogarty Author 1 article
  1. Potential climate change impacts on Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) off the northeastern USA
Stephen K. Gill Author 1 report
  1. noaa-nos-co-ops-073
Byron E. Gleason Author 1 article
  1. Global observed changes in daily climate extremes of temperature and precipitation
Roger Griffis Author 1 article
  1. Preparing for and managing change: climate adaptation for biodiversity and ecosystems
Richard Heim Author 1 article
  1. Monitoring and Understanding Changes in Heat Waves, Cold Waves, Floods, and Droughts in the United States: State of Knowledge
Jennifer Howard Author 1 article
  1. The added complications of climate change: understanding and managing biodiversity and ecosystems
Thomas R. Karl Author 2 articles
  1. Monitoring and Understanding Changes in Heat Waves, Cold Waves, Floods, and Droughts in the United States: State of Knowledge
  2. Separating signal and noise in atmospheric temperature changes: The importance of timescale
Brad D. Keller Author 1 report
  1. ccsp-sap-4_4-2008
Doug Kluck Author 1 report
  1. nidis-2010-climate-change-drought
John R. Lanzante Author 1 article
  1. Separating signal and noise in atmospheric temperature changes: The importance of timescale
Sang-Ki Lee Author 1 article
  1. Impact of the Atlantic warm pool on United States landfalling hurricanes
George Leshkevich Author 1 article
  1. Severe Ice Cover on Great Lakes During Winter 2008-2009
Hailong Liu Author 1 article
  1. Impact of the Atlantic warm pool on United States landfalling hurricanes
Brent M. Lofgren Author 1 article
  1. Severe Ice Cover on Great Lakes During Winter 2008-2009
Jane Lubchenco Author 1 article
  1. The Interconnected Biosphere: Science at the Ocean’s Tipping Points
Jeffery T. Lutz Author 2 reports
  1. niehs-cchhgbrochure-2010
  2. niehs-climch-2010
James Manning Author 1 article
  1. Potential climate change impacts on Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) off the northeastern USA
John J. Marra Author 1 report
  1. noaa-nos-co-ops-073
Stephen A. Montzka Author 1 article
  1. Non-CO2 greenhouse gases and climate change
David Mountain Author 1 article
  1. Potential climate change impacts on Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) off the northeastern USA
Vaishali Naik Author 1 article
  1. Global air quality and climate
Claudia Nierenberg Author 1 article
  1. From global change science to action with social sciences
John E. O'Reilly Author 1 report
  1. nasa-techmemo-2000-206892-vol11
Joseph Park Author 1 report
  1. noaa-nos-co-ops-073
Adam Parris Author 1 report
  1. noaa-techmemo-oar-cpo-1-2012
Linwood Pendleton Author 1 article
  1. Economic Growth in the Face of Weather and Climate Extremes: A Call for Better Data
Thomas C. Peterson Author 2 articles
  1. Global observed changes in daily climate extremes of temperature and precipitation
  2. Monitoring and Understanding Changes in Heat Waves, Cold Waves, Floods, and Droughts in the United States: State of Knowledge
Roger S. Pulwarty Author 1 report
  1. usgs-circular-1331
Teri Rowles Author 2 reports
  1. niehs-cchhgbrochure-2010
  2. niehs-climch-2010
Paul A. Sandifer Author 2 reports
  1. niehs-cchhgbrochure-2010
  2. niehs-climch-2010
Heidi Schuttenberg Author 1 report
  1. noaa-reef-managers-guide-2006
Susan Solomon Author 1 article
  1. Exploring drought and its implications for the future
Robert S. Stone Author 1 article
  1. Evidence and Implications of Recent Climate Change in Northern Alaska and Other Arctic Regions
William Sweet Author 1 report
  1. noaa-nos-co-ops-073
Peter Thorne Author 1 article
  1. Separating signal and noise in atmospheric temperature changes: The importance of timescale
Russell S. Vose Author 1 article
  1. Monitoring and Understanding Changes in Heat Waves, Cold Waves, Floods, and Droughts in the United States: State of Knowledge
Chunzai Wang Author 1 article
  1. Impact of the Atlantic warm pool on United States landfalling hurricanes
Jia Wang Author 2 articles
  1. Interannual variability of Great Lakes ice cover and its relationship to NAO and ENSO
  2. Severe Ice Cover on Great Lakes During Winter 2008-2009
Robert S. Webb Author 1 report
  1. usgs-circular-1331
Connie A. Woodhouse Author 1 article
  1. Updated streamflow reconstructions for the Upper Colorado River Basin
Chris E. Zervas Author 1 report
  1. noaa-nos-co-ops-073
this organization Editor 1 webpage
  1. Influence of El Niño and La Niña on Southwest Rainfall
Nancy Beller-Simms Editor 1 report
  1. ccsp-sap-5_3-2008
Margaret A. Davidson Editor 1 report
  1. usgcrp-ti-coastal-impacts-2012
Randall M. Dole Editor 1 report
  1. ccsp-sap-1_3-2008
Christine A. Ennis Editor 1 report
  1. ccsp-sap-2_4-2008
Kurt L. Fresh Editor 1 report
  1. usgs-sciinvesrep-2010-5254
Roger Griffis Editor 1 report
  1. usgcrp-ti-oceans-marine-2013
Michelle Hawkins Editor 1 report
  1. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016
Stephanie C. Herring Editor 1 report
  1. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016
Martin P. Hoerling Editor 1 report
  1. ccsp-sap-1_3-2008
Jennifer Howard Editor 1 report
  1. usgcrp-ti-oceans-marine-2013
Thomas R. Karl Editor 2 reports
  1. ccsp-sap-1_1-2006
  2. ccsp-sap-3_3-2008
Christopher D. Miller Editor 2 reports
  1. ccsp-sap-1_1-2006
  2. ccsp-sap-3_3-2008
Donald Mock Editor 1 report
  1. ccsp-iastate-noaa-cornclim-2009
A.R. Ravishankara Editor 1 report
  1. ccsp-sap-2_4-2008
Juli Trtanj Editor 1 report
  1. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016
this organization Data Producer 1 report
  1. indicator-start-of-spring
this organization Data Archive 10 datasets
  1. Climate Reference Network Daily01 Product
  2. Climate Reference Network Hourly02 Product
  3. Current National Weather Service Watches, Warnings, or Advisories for the United States
  4. Environmental Research Division's Data Access Program (ERDDAP)
  5. FOSS Public Data Set
  6. Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Portal
  7. Internet Weather Source
  8. METAR Data Access
  9. NOAA's Inundation Analysis Tool
  10. SIGWX Charts - High Level Significant Weather
this organization Funding Agency 19 articles
  1. A framework for examining climate-driven changes to the seasonality and geographical range of coastal pathogens and harmful algae
  2. A retrospective assessment of National Centers for Environmental Prediction climate model–based ensemble hydrologic forecasting in the western United States
  3. Anthropogenically enhanced fluxes of water and carbon from the Mississippi River
  4. Changing streamflow on Columbia basin tribal lands—climate change and salmon
  5. Climate Change Impacts on Marine Ecosystems
  6. Detection of Human Influence on a New, Validated 1500-Year Temperature Reconstruction
  7. Emergence of Anoxia in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem
  8. Food Security and Conservation of Yukon River Salmon: Are We Asking Too Much of the Yukon River?
  9. Heat watch/warning systems save lives: Estimated costs and benefits for Philadelphia 1995–98
  10. Impacts of El Niño and La Niña on the U.S. Climate during Northern Summer
  11. Increase in Near-Surface Atmospheric Moisture Content due to Land Use Changes: Evidence from the Observed Dewpoint Temperature Data
  12. Interannual variability of marine zooplankton and their environments: Within- and between-region comparisons
  13. Methane emissions from Alaska in 2012 from CARVE airborne observations
  14. Rapid warming of Large Marine Ecosystems
  15. Recent patterns and mechanisms of carbon exchange by terrestrial ecosystems
  16. The Global, Complex Phenomena of Harmful Algal Blooms
  17. The critical role of extreme heat for maize production in the United States
  18. The spatial-temporal distribution of drought, wetting, and human cases of St. Louis encephalitis in southcentral Florida
  19. Trends in the sources and sinks of carbon dioxide
Funding Agency 1 journal
  1. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports
Funding Agency 1 platform
  1. jason-2
Funding Agency 17 reports
  1. acia-2005
  2. ccap-essi-assistance-needs-2012
  3. deseagrant-lewesactionplan-2011
  4. gea-project-discussion-paper-2000-32
  5. heinzctr-hidden-costs-2000
  6. nas-attribution-extreme-weather-2016
  7. noss-national-estuarine-eutrophication-update-2007
  8. nrc-disaster-2012
  9. nrc-humanhealth-climatechange-1996
  10. nrc-informingresponse-2010
  11. nrc-nationalstrategy-advancing-climate-modeling-2012
  12. nrc-sea-level-rise-2012
  13. nrc-sustainability-2013
  14. nwf-scanning-horizon-2011
  15. twdb-technicalnote-15-02
  16. uaf-potentialconsequences-1999
  17. usgcrp-ti-coastal-impacts-2012
this organization Distributor 5 reports
  1. noaa-climcheffectsadap-phase1draft-2011
  2. noaa-nos-co-ops-073
  3. noaa-reef-managers-guide-2006
  4. noaa-state-of-the-climate-highlights-2009
  5. noaa-techmemo-nmfs-pifsc-27
this organization Host 1 report
  1. ccsp-listensessmd-2006
Host 7 webpages
  1. Climate changing our nation’s landscapes: NOAA, American Public Gardens Association unveil partnership to enhance awareness
  2. Extreme Weather 2011
  3. NOAA Proposes Listing Ringed and Bearded Seals as Threatened Under Endangered Species Act
  4. Risk of very large fires could increase sixfold by mid-century in the US
  5. Spatial Trends in Coastal Socioeconomics Demographic Trends Database: 1970-2010
  6. States and Territories Working on Ocean and Coastal Management
  7. The U.S. Population Living in Coastal Watershed Counties
Jesse E. Bell Scientist 3 figures
  1. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 4.1
  2. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 4.2
  3. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 5
Stephanie C. Herring Scientist 1 figure
  1. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 4.4
John Jacobs Scientist 1 figure
  1. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 6.4
Steven R. Kibler Scientist 1 figure
  1. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 6.6
Stephanie Moore Scientist 1 figure
  1. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 6.7
this organization Analyst 1 dataset
  1. Integrated Multi-Mission Ocean Altimeter Data for Climate Research
Richard Pasch Analyst 1 figure
  1. usgcrp-ocpfy2016 2.8
Analyst 1 image
  1. e2c2cade
this organization Point of Contact 1 figure
  1. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 4.4
Derek S. Arndt Point of Contact 1 report
  1. indicator-heating-cooling-degree-days
Susan Buchanan Point of Contact 1 report
  1. noaa-sandy-2013
Roger Griffis Point of Contact 2 reports
  1. fws-nfwpcas-2012
  2. fws-nfwpcasprog-2014
Boyin Huang Point of Contact 1 report
  1. indicator-sea-surface-temperature
Heidi Schuttenberg Point of Contact 1 report
  1. noaa-reef-managers-guide-2006
Diane Stanitski Point of Contact 1 report
  1. indicator-arctic-sea-ice-extent
Juli Trtanj Point of Contact 1 figure
  1. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 6.1
this organization Lead Agency 1 model
  1. hysplit
Lead Agency 7 reports
  1. ccsp-sap-1_1-2006
  2. ccsp-sap-1_3-2008
  3. ccsp-sap-2_4-2008
  4. ccsp-sap-3_2-2008
  5. ccsp-sap-3_3-2008
  6. ccsp-sap-5_2-2009
  7. ccsp-sap-5_3-2008
this organization Contributing Agency 1 figure
  1. usgcrp-ocpfy2014 3.9
Contributing Agency 10 reports
  1. ccsp-sap-1_2-2009
  2. ccsp-sap-2_1a-2007
  3. ccsp-sap-2_1b-2007
  4. ccsp-sap-2_3-2009
  5. ccsp-sap-3_1-2008
  6. ccsp-sap-4_2-2009
  7. ccsp-sap-4_3-2008
  8. ccsp-sap-4_4-2008
  9. ccsp-sap-4_7-2008
  10. ccsp-sap-5_1-2008
this organization Contributing Agency 1 image
  1. 68f4dd68
Contributing Agency 1 report
  1. indicator-arctic-sea-ice-extent
this organization Contributor 50 instruments
  1. advanced-microwave-sounding-unit-a
  2. advanced-microwave-sounding-unit-b
  3. advanced-technology-microwave-sounder
  4. advanced-tiros-operational-vertical-sounder
  5. advanced-very-high-resolution-radiometer-2
  6. advanced-very-high-resolution-radiometer-3
  7. argos-4
  8. communications-package-for-noaa
  9. communications-package-on-goes
  10. cross-track-infrared-sounder
  11. data-collection-system-noaa
  12. data-collection-system-noaa-goes-r
  13. energetic-heavy-ion-composition-experiment
  14. high-resolution-infra-red-sounder-2
  15. high-resolution-infra-red-sounder-3
  16. high-resolution-infra-red-sounder-4
  17. imager
  18. low-rate-information-transmission
  19. magnetometer
  20. magnetospheric-atmospheric-x-ray-imaging-experiment
  21. microwave-sounding-unit
  22. operational-linescan-system
  23. ozone-mapping-and-profiler-suite
  24. search-and-rescue-2
  25. search-and-rescue-satellite-aided-tracking
  26. solar-backscattter-ultra-violet-instrument-2
  27. solar-backscattter-ultra-violet-instrument-3
  28. solar-x-ray-imager
  29. sounder
  30. space-environment-monitor-2
  31. space-environment-monitor-3
  32. special-sensor-gamma-ray-particle-detector-2
  33. special-sensor-ionospheric-plasma-drift-scintillation-meter
  34. special-sensor-ionospheric-plasma-drift-scintillation-meter-2
  35. special-sensor-magnetometer
  36. special-sensor-microwave-imager
  37. special-sensor-microwave-imager-sounder
  38. special-sensor-microwave-temperature-sounder
  39. special-sensor-microwave-water-vapor-sounder
  40. special-sensor-precipitating-plasma-monitor
  41. special-sensor-precipitating-plasma-monitor-2
  42. special-sensor-ultraviolet-limb-imager
  43. special-sensor-ultraviolet-spectrographic-imager
  44. ssz
  45. stratospheric-sounding-unit
  46. tiros-operational-vertical-sounder
  47. visible-infrared-imager-radiometer-suite
  48. vissr-atmospheric-sounder
  49. weather-facsimile
  50. x-ray-astronomy-payload
Contributor 63 platforms
  1. advanced-earth-observing-satellite-ii
  2. constellation-observing-system-for-meteorology-ionosphere-and-climate-1
  3. constellation-observing-system-for-meteorology-ionosphere-and-climate-2
  4. constellation-observing-system-for-meteorology-ionosphere-and-climate-3
  5. constellation-observing-system-for-meteorology-ionosphere-and-climate-4
  6. constellation-observing-system-for-meteorology-ionosphere-and-climate-5
  7. constellation-observing-system-for-meteorology-ionosphere-and-climate-6
  8. defense-meteorological-satellite-program-f-10
  9. defense-meteorological-satellite-program-f-11
  10. defense-meteorological-satellite-program-f-12
  11. defense-meteorological-satellite-program-f-13
  12. defense-meteorological-satellite-program-f-14
  13. defense-meteorological-satellite-program-f-15
  14. defense-meteorological-satellite-program-f-16
  15. defense-meteorological-satellite-program-f-17
  16. defense-meteorological-satellite-program-f-18
  17. defense-meteorological-satellite-program-f-19
  18. defense-meteorological-satellite-program-f-7
  19. defense-meteorological-satellite-program-f-8
  20. defense-meteorological-satellite-program-f-9
  21. geostationary-operational-environmental-satellite-1
  22. geostationary-operational-environmental-satellite-10
  23. geostationary-operational-environmental-satellite-11
  24. geostationary-operational-environmental-satellite-12
  25. geostationary-operational-environmental-satellite-13
  26. geostationary-operational-environmental-satellite-14
  27. geostationary-operational-environmental-satellite-15
  28. geostationary-operational-environmental-satellite-2
  29. geostationary-operational-environmental-satellite-3
  30. geostationary-operational-environmental-satellite-4
  31. geostationary-operational-environmental-satellite-5
  32. geostationary-operational-environmental-satellite-6
  33. geostationary-operational-environmental-satellite-7
  34. geostationary-operational-environmental-satellite-8
  35. geostationary-operational-environmental-satellite-9
  36. geostationary-operational-environmental-satellite-sms-1
  37. geostationary-operational-environmental-satellite-sms-2
  38. jason-2
  39. meteorological-operational-polar-satellite-a
  40. meteorological-operational-polar-satellite-b
  41. national-oceanic-and-atmospheric-administration-1
  42. national-oceanic-and-atmospheric-administration-10
  43. national-oceanic-and-atmospheric-administration-11
  44. national-oceanic-and-atmospheric-administration-12
  45. national-oceanic-and-atmospheric-administration-13
  46. national-oceanic-and-atmospheric-administration-14
  47. national-oceanic-and-atmospheric-administration-15
  48. national-oceanic-and-atmospheric-administration-16
  49. national-oceanic-and-atmospheric-administration-17
  50. national-oceanic-and-atmospheric-administration-18
  51. national-oceanic-and-atmospheric-administration-19
  52. national-oceanic-and-atmospheric-administration-2
  53. national-oceanic-and-atmospheric-administration-3
  54. national-oceanic-and-atmospheric-administration-4
  55. national-oceanic-and-atmospheric-administration-5
  56. national-oceanic-and-atmospheric-administration-6
  57. national-oceanic-and-atmospheric-administration-7
  58. national-oceanic-and-atmospheric-administration-8
  59. national-oceanic-and-atmospheric-administration-9
  60. suomi-national-polar-orbiting-partnership
  61. tiros-m-itos-1
  62. tiros-n
  63. total-solar-irradiance-tsi-calibration-transfer

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