
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change

United States

research organization
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Mustafa Babiker Author 1 article
  1. Should a vehicle fuel economy standard be combined with an economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions constraint? Implications for energy and climate policy in the United States
Timothy W. Cronin Author 1 article
  1. Indirect Emissions from Biofuels: How Important?
Travis Franck Author 1 article
  1. Coastal adaptation and economic tipping points
Fernando Garcia Menendez Author 1 article
  1. U.S. air quality and health benefits from avoided climate change under greenhouse gas mitigation
Angelo C. Gurgel Author 1 article
  1. Indirect Emissions from Biofuels: How Important?
Henry D. Jacoby Author 1 article
  1. The cost of climate policy in the United States
Valerie J. Karplus Author 1 article
  1. Should a vehicle fuel economy standard be combined with an economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions constraint? Implications for energy and climate policy in the United States
Erwan Monier Author 1 article
  1. U.S. air quality and health benefits from avoided climate change under greenhouse gas mitigation
Jennifer F. Morris Author 1 article
  1. The cost of climate policy in the United States
Sergey Paltsev Author 3 articles
  1. Indirect Emissions from Biofuels: How Important?
  2. Should a vehicle fuel economy standard be combined with an economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions constraint? Implications for energy and climate policy in the United States
  3. The cost of climate policy in the United States
Ronald G. Prinn Author 2 articles
  1. Development and application of earth system models
  2. Net Emissions of CH4 and CO2 in Alaska: Implications for the Region's Greenhouse Gas Budget
John M. Reilly Author 4 articles
  1. Agricultural impact assessment, vulnerability, and the scope for adaptation
  2. Indirect Emissions from Biofuels: How Important?
  3. Should a vehicle fuel economy standard be combined with an economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions constraint? Implications for energy and climate policy in the United States
  4. The cost of climate policy in the United States
David Schimmelpfennig Author 1 article
  1. Agricultural impact assessment, vulnerability, and the scope for adaptation
Adam Schlosser Author 1 article
  1. Indirect Emissions from Biofuels: How Important?
Andrei P. Sokolov Author 1 article
  1. Indirect Emissions from Biofuels: How Important?
Kenneth Strzepek Author 1 article
  1. Characterizing changes in drought risk for the United States from climate change
Chien Wang Author 1 article
  1. Quantification of the impact of climate uncertainty on regional air quality
Xiaodong Wang Author 1 article
  1. Indirect Emissions from Biofuels: How Important?
Ian Sue Wing Author 1 article
  1. Explaining the declining energy intensity of the U.S. economy
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