
Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Oceans

United States

research organization
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this organization Author 2 reports
  1. uwash-kingco-icleii-preparing-for-climate-change-2007
  2. uwash-slr-2008 (ref: 6ed217d6 2008)
Nicholas A. Bond Author 4 articles
  1. Climate projections for selected large marine ecosystems
  2. Considerations in the Selection of Global Climate Models for Regional Climate Projections: The Arctic as a Case Study
  3. Evaluating management strategies for eastern Bering Sea walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in a changing environment
  4. Expected declines in recruitment of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the eastern Bering Sea under future climate change
Marketa McGuire Elsner Author 2 articles
  1. Climate change impacts on water management and irrigated agriculture in the Yakima River Basin, Washington, USA
  2. Climate change impacts on water management in the Puget Sound region, Washington State, USA
Alan F. Hamlet Author 4 articles
  1. Climate change impacts on water management and irrigated agriculture in the Yakima River Basin, Washington, USA
  2. Effects of Temperature and Precipitation Variability on Snowpack Trends in the Western United States
  3. Mandates vs markets: addressing over-allocation of Pacific Northwest River Basins
  4. Production of Temporally Consistent Gridded Precipitation and Temperature Fields for the Continental United States
Nancy B. Kachel Author 1 article
  1. A comparison of the physics of the northern and southern shelves of the eastern Bering Sea and some implications for the ecosystem
Dennis P. Lettenmaier Author 4 articles
  1. Climate change impacts on water management and irrigated agriculture in the Yakima River Basin, Washington, USA
  2. Climate change impacts on water management in the Puget Sound region, Washington State, USA
  3. Effects of Temperature and Precipitation Variability on Snowpack Trends in the Western United States
  4. Production of Temporally Consistent Gridded Precipitation and Temperature Fields for the Continental United States
Jeremy Littell Author 2 articles
  1. Climate and wildfire area burned in western U.S. ecoprovinces, 1916–2003
  2. U.S. National Forests adapt to climate change through Science–Management partnerships
Nathan J. Mantua Author 1 article
  1. A Pacific Interdecadal Climate Oscillation with Impacts on Salmon Production
Donald McKenzie Author 1 article
  1. Climate and wildfire area burned in western U.S. ecoprovinces, 1916–2003
Calvin W. Mordy Author 2 articles
  1. A comparison of the physics of the northern and southern shelves of the eastern Bering Sea and some implications for the ecosystem
  2. Physical forcing and nutrient conditions associated with patterns of Chl a and phytoplankton productivity in the southeastern Bering Sea during summer
Philip W. Mote Author 6 articles
  1. Climatic Change, Wildfire, and Conservation
  2. Effects of Temperature and Precipitation Variability on Snowpack Trends in the Western United States
  3. Future climate in the Pacific Northwest
  4. Mandates vs markets: addressing over-allocation of Pacific Northwest River Basins
  5. Trends in snow water equivalent in the Pacific Northwest and their climatic causes
  6. Trends in temperature and precipitation in the Pacific Northwest during the twentieth century
Franz J. Mueter Author 1 article
  1. Sea Ice Retreat Alters the Biogeography of the Bering Sea Continental Shelf
Eric P. Salathé Author 1 article
  1. Future climate in the Pacific Northwest
John M. Wallace Author 1 article
  1. A Pacific Interdecadal Climate Oscillation with Impacts on Salmon Production
Muyin Wang Author 6 articles
  1. A sea ice free summer Arctic within 30 years?
  2. A sea ice free summer Arctic within 30 years: An update from CMIP5 models
  3. Climate projections for selected large marine ecosystems
  4. Considerations in the Selection of Global Climate Models for Regional Climate Projections: The Arctic as a Case Study
  5. The recent shift in early summer Arctic atmospheric circulation
  6. When will the summer Arctic be nearly sea ice free?
Yuan Zhang Author 1 article
  1. A Pacific Interdecadal Climate Oscillation with Impacts on Salmon Production
this organization Funding Agency 2 articles
  1. A comparison of the physics of the northern and southern shelves of the eastern Bering Sea and some implications for the ecosystem
  2. A retrospective assessment of National Centers for Environmental Prediction climate model–based ensemble hydrologic forecasting in the western United States
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