
California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment

United States

state organization
This organization is related to these organizations :
These organizations are related to this organization :
George Alexeef Author 1 report
  1. oehha-cumimpacts-2010
Laura Meehan August Author 1 report
  1. oehha-cumimpacts-2010
Rupa Basu Author 3 articles
  1. Estimating the mortality effect of the July 2006 California heat wave
  2. The Effects of Temperature and Use of Air Conditioning on Hospitalizations
  3. The effect of temperature on hospital admissions in nine California counties
Rachel Broadwin Author 1 article
  1. The effect of temperature on hospital admissions in nine California counties
John Faust Author 1 report
  1. oehha-cumimpacts-2010
Rochelle S. Green Author 3 articles
  1. Estimating the mortality effect of the July 2006 California heat wave
  2. The Effects of Temperature and Use of Air Conditioning on Hospitalizations
  3. The effect of temperature on hospital admissions in nine California counties
Shelley Green Author 1 article
  1. Quantifying the health impacts of future changes in temperature in California
Brian Malig Author 1 article
  1. The effect of temperature on hospital admissions in nine California counties
Carmen Milanes Author 1 report
  1. oehha-cumimpacts-2010
Bart Ostro Author 4 articles
  1. Estimating the mortality effect of the July 2006 California heat wave
  2. Quantifying the health impacts of future changes in temperature in California
  3. The Effects of Temperature and Use of Air Conditioning on Hospitalizations
  4. The effect of temperature on hospital admissions in nine California counties
Karen Randles Author 1 report
  1. oehha-cumimpacts-2010
Stephen Rauch Author 2 articles
  1. Quantifying the health impacts of future changes in temperature in California
  2. The Effects of Temperature and Use of Air Conditioning on Hospitalizations
Lindsey A. Roth Author 1 article
  1. Estimating the mortality effect of the July 2006 California heat wave
Lauren Zeise Author 1 report
  1. oehha-cumimpacts-2010
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