dataset : AVHRR NAVOCEANO Level 2 9km Multi-Channel SST Global Area Coverage

NASA JPL Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center


AVHRR NAVOCEANO Level 2 9km Multi-Channel SST Global Area Coverage

High quality Sea Surface Temperatures (SSTs) maps derived from the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)-Polar Orbiting Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) have been available since 1981. The multichannel sea surface temperature algorithm (MCSST) has been used to routinely calculate SSTs using a split window approach. Currently this algorithm is applied by the Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO) to calculate SSTs at a near real-time rate.


This dataset was released on January 21, 2011.

The time range for this dataset starts at August 29, 2001.

The spatial range for this dataset is -90° to 90° latitude, and -180° to 180° longitude. map (center)

This dataset uses data from an instance of the advanced-very-high-resolution-radiometer-3 instrument on the meteorological-operational-polar-satellite-a platform.
This dataset uses data from an instance of the advanced-very-high-resolution-radiometer-3 instrument on the national-oceanic-and-atmospheric-administration-16 platform.
This dataset uses data from an instance of the advanced-very-high-resolution-radiometer-3 instrument on the national-oceanic-and-atmospheric-administration-17 platform.
This dataset uses data from an instance of the advanced-very-high-resolution-radiometer-3 instrument on the national-oceanic-and-atmospheric-administration-18 platform.
This dataset uses data from an instance of the advanced-very-high-resolution-radiometer-2 instrument on the national-oceanic-and-atmospheric-administration-14 platform.
This dataset uses data from an instance of the advanced-very-high-resolution-radiometer-3 instrument on the national-oceanic-and-atmospheric-administration-19 platform.

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