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journal : wiley-interdisciplinary
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Online ISSN : 1757-7799
Print ISSN : 1757-7780
The following articles from this journal are listed in GCIS :
- Resilience implications of policy responses to climate change (2011)
- In defense of the traditional null hypothesis: remarks on the Trenberth and Curry WIREs opinion articles (2011)
- Nullifying the climate null hypothesis (2011)
- Drought under global warming: a review (2011)
- Institutions and policy processes: the means to the ends of adaptation (2010)
- Case study and analogue methodologies in climate change vulnerability research (2010)
- Detection and attribution of climate change: a regional perspective (2010)
- The economics of adaptation along developed coastlines (2011)
- Adaptation and resilience: responding to a changing climate (2011)
- The social amplification/attenuation of risk framework: application to climate change (2011)
- Attribution of climate variations and trends to human influences and natural variability (2011)
- Improving the contribution of climate model information to decision making: the value and demands of robust decision frameworks (2013)
- Winter mortality in a warming climate: A reassessment (2013)
- Encountering climate change: âSeeingâ is more than âbelievingâ (2014)
- The climate-wildfire-air quality system: Interactions and feedbacks across spatial and temporal scales (2014)
- Place identity and climate change adaptation: A synthesis and framework for understanding (2012)
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