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journal : water-resources-research
Water Resources Research
Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc.
Online ISSN : 1944-7973
The following articles from this journal are listed in GCIS :
- Projected freshwater withdrawals in the United States under a changing climate (2013)
- Indian water rights settlements and water management innovations: The role of the Arizona Water Settlements Act (2009)
- Projecting U.S. freshwater withdrawals (2000)
- Hydroclimatology of the 2008 Midwest floods (2010)
- Assessing reservoir operations risk under climate change (2009)
- Relating climatic attributes and water resources allocation: A study using surface water supply and soil moisture indices in the Snake River basin, Idaho (2011)
- Water supply risk on the Colorado River: Can management mitigate? (2009)
- El Niño-Southern Oscillation and Pacific Decadal Oscillation impacts on precipitation in the southern and central United States: Evaluation of spatial distribution and predictions (2007)
- Developing and applying uncertain global climate change projections for regional water management planning (2008)
- Optimal dynamic water allocation: Irrigation extractions and environmental tradeoffs in the Murray River, Australia (2011)
- Independent effects of temperature and precipitation on modeled runoff in the conterminous United States (2011)
- A method for physically based model analysis of conjunctive use in response to potential climate changes (2012)
- Basin-scale water system operations with uncertain future climate conditions: Methodology and case studies (2010)
- Economic impacts of federal policy responses to drought in the Rio Grande Basin (2006)
- Updated streamflow reconstructions for the Upper Colorado River Basin (2006)
- Sensitivity of stream temperatures in the United States to air temperatures projected under a global warming scenario (1999)
- Streamflow simulation for continental-scale river basins (1997)
- Climate-induced changes in erosion during the 21st century for eight U.S. locations (2002)
- Effects of irrigated agroecosystems: 2. Quality of soil water and groundwater in the southern High Plains, Texas (2010)
- On the stationarity of annual flood peaks in the continental United States during the 20th century (2009)
- Flood peak distributions for the eastern United States (2010)
- Potential climate change effects on groundwater recharge in the High Plains Aquifer, USA (2013)
- Probabilistic analysis of the effects of climate change on groundwater recharge (2010)
- Role of surface-water and groundwater interactions on projected summertime streamflow in snow dominated regions: An integrated modeling approach (2012)
- Streamflow changes in Alaska between the cool phase (1947-1976) and the warm phase (1977-2006) of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation: The influence of glaciers (2009)
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