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journal : philosophical-transactions-royal-society-b-biological-sciences
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
The Royal Society Publishing
The Royal Society Publishinghttp://rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org/
Online ISSN : 1471-2970
Print ISSN : 0962-8436
The following articles from this journal are listed in GCIS :
- The future of the global food system (2010)
- Food security and marine capture fisheries: characteristics, trends, drivers and future perspectives (2010)
- Climate change and food security (2005)
- Implications of climate change for agricultural productivity in the early twenty-first century (2010)
- Influence of spring and autumn phenological transitions on forest ecosystem productivity (2010)
- Climate change, biotic interactions and ecosystem services (2010)
- Accelerated phenology of blacklegged ticks under climate warming (2015)
- Climate, environmental and socio-economic change: Weighing up the balance in vector-borne disease transmission (2015)
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