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journal : pediatrics
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Academy of Pediatricshttp://pediatrics.aappublications.org/
Online ISSN : 1098-4275
Print ISSN : 0031-4005
The following articles from this journal are listed in GCIS :
- Global Climate Change and Children's Health (2007)
- Pediatric Emergency Department Visits for Diarrheal Illness Increased After Release of Undertreated Sewage (2007)
- Global Climate Change and Children's Health (2007)
- Asthma prevalence among US children in underrepresented minority populations: American Indian/Alaska Native, Chinese, Filipino, and Asian Indian (2008)
- Development and Validity of a 2-Item Screen to Identify Families at Risk for Food Insecurity (2010)
- Ambient air pollution: Health hazards to children (2004)
- Organic foods: Health and environmental advantages and disadvantages (2012)
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