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journal : nature-climate-change
Nature Climate Change
Nature Publishing Group
Nature Publishing Grouphttp://www.nature.com/nclimate/index.html
Online ISSN : 1758-6798
Print ISSN : 1758-678X
The following articles from this journal are listed in GCIS :
- Managing exposure to flooding in New York City (2012)
- Consequences of widespread tree mortality triggered by drought and temperature stress (2012)
- Support for climate policy and societal action are linked to perceptions about scientific agreement (2011)
- Multi-centennial tree-ring record of ENSO-related activity in New Zealand (2012)
- Food-chain length alters community responses to global change in aquatic systems (2012)
- Regional carbon dioxide implications of forest bioenergy production (2011)
- Harnessing nature to help people adapt to climate change (2012)
- Biogeochemistry: Taking stock of forest carbon (2011)
- Climate response to zeroed emissions of greenhouse gases and aerosols (2012)
- Vulnerability of US and European electricity supply to climate change (2012)
- The role of social and decision sciences in communicating uncertain climate risks (2011)
- Hotspot of accelerated sea-level rise on the Atlantic coast of North America (2012)
- Climate, health, agricultural and economic impacts of tighter vehicle-emission standards (2011)
- Limits to adaptation (2013)
- Limiting global warming to 2 °C is unlikely to save most coral reefs (2012)
- Assessment of groundwater inundation as a consequence of sea-level rise (2012)
- Projected changes in wave climate from a multi-model ensemble (2013)
- Ground water and climate change (2012)
- Climate change impacts on the biophysics and economics of world fisheries (2011)
- The critical role of extreme heat for maize production in the United States (2013)
- Effects of climate change on US grain transport (2013)
- Projections of seasonal patterns in temperature- related deaths for Manhattan, New York (2013)
- Risk management and climate change (2013)
- Temperature as a potent driver of regional forest drought stress and tree mortality (2012)
- El Niño and health risks from landscape fire emissions in southeast Asia (2012)
- Health: A new measure of health effects (2012)
- Climate-mediated dance of the plankton (2014)
- The impact of temperature on years of life lost in Brisbane, Australia (2012)
- Increasing drought under global warming in observations and models (2012)
- Communication of the role of natural variability in future North American climate (2012)
- Response of corn markets to climate volatility under alternative energy futures (2012)
- Model-based evidence of deep-ocean heat uptake during surface-temperature hiatus periods (2011)
- Multistability and critical thresholds of the Greenland ice sheet (2012)
- From global change science to action with social sciences (2014)
- Agriculture: Crop-yield drivers (2014)
- Anthropogenic contribution to global occurrnece of heavy-precipitation and high-temperature extremes (2015)
- Reductions in labour capacity from heat stress under climate warming (2013)
- Changes in marine dinoflagellate and diatom abundance under climate change (2012)
- Emerging Vibrio risk at high latitudes in response to ocean warming (2012)
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