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journal : monthly-weather-review
Monthly Weather Review
American Meteorological Society
American Meteorological Societyhttp://journals.ametsoc.org/loi/mwre
Online ISSN : 1520-0493
Print ISSN : 0027-0644
The following articles from this journal are listed in GCIS :
- The Impact of Oklahoma's Winter Wheat Belt on the Mesoscale Environment (2004)
- A Statistical Analysis of Tropical Cyclone Intensity (2000)
- Increase in Near-Surface Atmospheric Moisture Content due to Land Use Changes: Evidence from the Observed Dewpoint Temperature Data (2008)
- U.S. Landfalling and North Atlantic Hurricanes: Statistical Modeling of Their Frequencies and Ratios (2012)
- Atlantic Hurricane Database Uncertainty and Presentation of a New Database Format (2013)
- Normal Degree Days above any Base by the Universal Truncation Coefficient (1966)
- The rational relationship between heating degree days and temperature (1954)
- Atlantic hurricane season of 2005 (2008)
- Moisture transport into midlatitudes ahead of recurving tropical cyclones and its relevance in two predecessor rain events (2012)
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