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journal : journal-coastal-research
Journal of Coastal Research
Coastal Education and Research Foundation, Inc.
Online ISSN : 1551-5036
Print ISSN : 0749-0208
The following articles from this journal are listed in GCIS :
- An Estimate of the U.S. Population Living in 100-Year Coastal Flood Hazard Areas (2010)
- Risks to Coastal Wastewater Collection Systems from Sea-Level Rise and Climate Change (2011)
- The MRGO Navigation Project: A Massive Human-Induced Environmental, Economic, and Storm Disaster (2009)
- Barrier Island Population along the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coasts (2011)
- Understanding Subsidence Processes in Coastal Louisiana (2009)
- Environmental Factors Affecting Recent Summertime Eelgrass Diebacks in the Lower Chesapeake Bay: Implications for Long-term Persistence (2008)
- Barrier Islands: Coupling Anthropogenic Stability with Ecological Sustainability (2010)
- Sea Level Variations along the U.S. Pacific Northwest Coast: Tectonic and Climate Controls (2011)
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