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journal : journal-american-water-resources-association
Journal of the American Water Resources Association
Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc.
Online ISSN : 1752-1688
Print ISSN : 1093-474X
The following articles from this journal are listed in GCIS :
- Sacramento River Flow Reconstructed to A.D. 869 from Tree Rings (2001)
- Climate Science and Drought Planning: the Arizona Experience (2005)
- Reconstructed Streamflows for the Headwaters of the Wind River, Wyoming, United States (2009)
- Examining Flood Frequency Distributions in the Midwest U.S. (2011)
- Millennial-Length Records of Streamflow From Three Major Upper Colorado River Tributaries1 (2011)
- Pacific Northwest Regional Assessment: the Impacts of Climate Variability and Climate Change on the Water Resources of the Columbia River Basin (2000)
- Climate Change, Atmospheric Rivers, and Floods in California - A Multimodel Analysis of Storm Frequency and Magnitude Changes (2011)
- Assessment of residential rain barrel water quality and use in Cincinnati, Ohio (2013)
- Health risks associated with consumption of untreated water from household roof catchment systems (2002)
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