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journal : environmental-science-technology
Environmental Science & Technology
American Chemical Society
American Chemical Societyhttp://pubs.acs.org/journal/esthag
Online ISSN : 1520-5851
Print ISSN : 0013-936X
The following articles from this journal are listed in GCIS :
- Artificial UV-B and Solar Radiation Reduce in Vitro Infectivity of the Human Pathogen Cryptosporidium parvum (2007)
- Eutrophication of U.S. Freshwaters: Analysis of Potential Economic Damages (2009)
- Influence of Fires on O3 Concentrations in the Western U.S. (2008)
- Water Use for Shale-Gas Production in Texas, U.S. (2012)
- Projecting Water Withdrawal and Supply for Future Decades in the U.S. under Climate Change Scenarios (2012)
- Impact of the 2002 Canadian Forest Fires on Particulate Matter Air Quality in Baltimore City (2005)
- Bioenergy Potential of the United States Constrained by Satellite Observations of Existing Productivity (2012)
- Potential Impact of Climate Change on Air Pollution-Related Human Health Effects (2009)
- Survey of Potable Water Supplies for Cryptosporidium and Giardia (1991)
- Water Use at Pulverized Coal Power Plants with Postcombustion Carbon Capture and Storage (2011)
- Secondary Benefits of Greenhouse Gas Control:Â Health Impacts in China (1999)
- Climate Change-Related Temperature Impacts on Warm Season Heat Mortality: A Proof-of-Concept Methodology Using BenMAP (2011)
- The Water Footprint of Biofuels: A Drink or Drive Issue? (2009)
- Interannual Variations in PM2.5 due to Wildfires in the Western United States (2008)
- Quantifying the Drivers of the Increasing Colored Organic Matter in Boreal Surface Waters (2010)
- Energy Efficiency of Conventional, Organic, and Alternative Cropping Systems for Food and Fuel at a Site in the U.S. Midwest (2010)
- Economic Approach to Assess the Forest Carbon Implications of Biomass Energy (2012)
- Impact of Biofuel Crop Production on the Formation of Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico (2009)
- U.S. air quality and health benefits from avoided climate change under greenhouse gas mitigation (2015)
- Assessment of pathogens and toxicants in New Orleans, LA following Hurricane Katrina (2006)
- Swimmer risk of gastrointestinal illness from exposure to tropical coastal waters impacted by terrestrial dry-weather runoff (2011)
- Seasonal Variability in Bacterial and Fungal Diversity of the Near-Surface Atmosphere (2013)
- Indoor particulate matter of outdoor origin: Importance of size-dependent removal mechanisms (2002)
- Intercontinental impacts of ozone pollution on human mortality (2009)
- Space/time analysis of fecal pollution and rainfall in an eastern North Carolina estuary (2009)
- Sewage exfiltration as a source of storm drain contamination during dry weather in urban watersheds (2011)
- Direct and indirect effects of climate change on the risk of infection by water-transmitted pathogens (2013)
- Rapid Detection of Naegleria Fowleri in Water Distribution Pipeline Biofilms and Drinking Water Samples (2009)
- Increasing contaminant burdens in an arctic fish, Burbot (Lota lota), in a warming climate (2010)
- Source and transport of human enteric viruses in deep municipal water supply wells (2013)
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