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journal : climatic-change
Climatic Change
Online ISSN : 1573-1480
Print ISSN : 0165-0009
The following articles from this journal are listed in GCIS :
- Regional Energy Demand Responses To Climate Change: Methodology And Application To The Commonwealth Of Massachusetts (2005)
- Climate change impacts on international seaports: knowledge, perceptions, and planning efforts among port administrators (2012)
- Developing coastal adaptation to climate change in the New York City infrastructure-shed: process, approach, tools, and strategies (2011)
- A trend analysis of normalized insured damage from natural disasters (2012)
- Ecological sensitivity: a biospheric view of climate change (2011)
- Climate Dangers and Atoll Countries (2003)
- Preparing for climate change in Washington State (2010)
- Climate change, ambient ozone, and health in 50 US cities (2007)
- The impact of climate change on tribal communities in the US: displacement, relocation, and human rights (2013)
- Climate change projections of sea level extremes along the California coast (2008)
- Temporal distribution of weather catastrophes in the USA (2011)
- Overview of the California climate change scenarios project (2008)
- Adapting Californiaâs water system to warm vs. dry climates (2011)
- Multilevel risk governance and urban adaptation policy (2011)
- Radiative forcing from surface NO x emissions: spatial and seasonal variations (2008)
- Toward an early warning system for dengue prevention: modeling climate impact on dengue transmission (2010)
- Potential increase in floods in Californiaâs Sierra Nevada under future climate projections (2011)
- Impact of climate change and variability on irrigation requirements: A global perspective (2002)
- Implications of 21st century climate change for the hydrology of Washington State (2010)
- Increasing prevalence of extreme summer temperatures in the U.S. (2012)
- Beyond the âfitâ: introducing climate forecasts among organic farmers in Georgia (United States) (2011)
- An integrated study of economic effects of and vulnerabilities to global warming on the Barents Sea cod fisheries (2008)
- Probabilistic life cycle analysis model for evaluating electric power infrastructure risk mitigation investments (2011)
- Linking Inuit knowledge and meteorological station observations to understand changing wind patterns at Clyde River, Nunavut (2010)
- Understanding climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation at city scale: an introduction (2011)
- Effects of projected climate change on energy supply and demand in the Pacific Northwest and Washington State (2010)
- A systematic review of observed climate change adaptation in developed nations (2011)
- Public health impacts of climate change in Washington State: projected mortality risks due to heat events and air pollution (2010)
- Interdependencies of urban climate change impacts and adaptation strategies: a case study of Metropolitan Boston USA (2008)
- Changes in temperature and precipitation extremes in the CMIP5 ensemble (2013)
- Travelling and hunting in a changing Arctic: assessing Inuit vulnerability to sea ice change in Igloolik, Nunavut (2009)
- U.S. National Forests adapt to climate change through ScienceâManagement partnerships (2012)
- The impact of extreme heat on morbidity in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (2012)
- Climate Change Risk Perception and Policy Preferences: The Role of Affect, Imagery, and Values (2006)
- Effect of climate change on field crop production in Californiaâs Central Valley (2011)
- On the simulation of Laurentian Great Lakes water levels under projections of global climate change (2013)
- Forest ecosystems, disturbance, and climatic change in Washington State, USA (2010)
- Bridging the gap: linking climate-impacts research with adaptation planning and management (2010)
- Perspectives of Northern Sea Route and Northwest Passage in the twenty-first century (2010)
- Impact of climate change on Pacific Northwest hydropower (2008)
- Climate change impacts on streamflow extremes and summertime stream temperature and their possible consequences for freshwater salmon habitat in Washington State (2010)
- Economic impacts of climate-related changes to California agriculture (2011)
- The potential impact of climate change on Great Lakes international shipping (2011)
- Urbanization, climate change and flood policy in the United States (2010)
- Robust analysis of future climate change impacts on water for agriculture and other sectors: a case study in the Sacramento Valley (2008)
- Stochastic modeling of the effects of large-scale circulation on daily weather in the southeastern US (2003)
- A methodology for predicting future coastal hazards due to sea-level rise on the California Coast (2011)
- Future climate in the Pacific Northwest (2010)
- The climate gap: environmental health and equity implications of climate change and mitigation policies in Californiaâa review of the literature (2011)
- An architecture for government action on adaptation to climate change. An editorial comment (2009)
- Climate warming, water storage, and Chinook salmon in Californiaâs Sacramento Valley (2008)
- Changing return periods of weather-related impacts: the attribution challenge (2011)
- RCP4.5: a pathway for stabilization of radiative forcing by 2100 (2011)
- Potential climate change effects on warm-season livestock production in the Great Plains (2009)
- Assessment of climate change impact on Eastern Washington agriculture (2010)
- Climate change impacts on water management in the Puget Sound region, Washington State, USA (2010)
- Implications of recent sea level rise science for low-elevation areas in coastal cities of the conterminous U.S.A. (2011)
- Climate change and wildfire in California (2008)
- The RCP greenhouse gas concentrations and their extensions from 1765 to 2300 (2011)
- Climate change and growth scenarios for California wildfire (2011)
- A weather-resolving index for assessing the impact of climate change on tourism related climate resources (2009)
- Adaptation, mitigation, and their disharmonious discontents: an essay (2012)
- Global changes in extreme events: regional and seasonal dimension (2012)
- Case study on potential agricultural responses to climate change in a California landscape (2011)
- Accumulated winter chill is decreasing in the fruit growing regions of California (2008)
- Are there social limits to adaptation to climate change? (2009)
- Mitigating the Effects of Climate Change on the Water Resources of the Columbia River Basin (2004)
- Adaptation in integrated assessment modeling: where do we stand? (2010)
- Estimating the potential economic impacts of climate change on Southern California beaches (2011)
- U.S. Agriculture and Climate Change: New Results (2003)
- Agricultural impact assessment, vulnerability, and the scope for adaptation (1999)
- Precipitation extremes and the impacts of climate change on stormwater infrastructure in Washington State (2010)
- Climate Change Impacts for the Conterminous USA: An Integrated Assessment (2005)
- Reconstructed Temperature And Precipitation On A Millennial Timescale From Tree-Rings In The Southern Colorado Plateau, U.S.A. (2005)
- The response of Lake Tahoe to climate change (2013)
- Climate change impacts on water management and irrigated agriculture in the Yakima River Basin, Washington, USA (2010)
- Coral reef ecosystems protect shore from high-energy waves under climate change scenarios (2012)
- The impacts of climate change on tribal traditional foods (2013)
- The Arcticâs rapidly shrinking sea ice cover: a research synthesis (2012)
- Lagged social-ecological responses to climate and range shifts in fisheries (2012)
- Justice forward: Tribes, climate adaptation and responsibility (2013)
- Indigenous frameworks for observing and responding to climate change in Alaska (2013)
- Cultural impacts to tribes from climate change influences on forests (2013)
- The effect of climate change on glacier ablation and baseflow support in the Nooksack River basin and implications on Pacific salmonid species protection and recovery (2013)
- The representative concentration pathways: an overview (2011)
- RCP2.6: exploring the possibility to keep global mean temperature increase below 2°C (2011)
- Experience-Based and Description-Based Perceptions of Long-Term Risk: Why Global Warming does not Scare us (Yet) (2006)
- Climate Warming and Water Management Adaptation for California (2006)
- Future heat vulnerability in California, Part I: projecting future weather types and heat events (2012)
- Future heat vulnerability in California, Part II: projecting future heat-related mortality (2012)
- Potential impacts of sea-level rise on the Mid- and Upper-Atlantic Region of the United States (2009)
- Potential impacts of increased coastal flooding in California due to sea-level rise (2011)
- Examining barriers and opportunities for sustainable adaptation to climate change in Interior Alaska (2012)
- Second California Assessment: integrated climate change impacts assessment of natural and managed systems. Guest editorial (2011)
- Changes in the Number and Timing of Days of Ice-Affected Flow on Northern New England Rivers, 1930â2000 (2005)
- Climate change effects on stream and river temperatures across the northwest U.S. from 1980â2009 and implications for salmonid fishes (2012)
- Climate change impacts on the water resources of American Indians and Alaska Natives in the U.S. (2013)
- Urban-induced thunderstorm modification in the Southeast United States (2012)
- Investigating the nexus of climate, energy, water, and land at decision-relevant scales: the Platform for Regional Integrated Modeling and Analysis (PRIMA) (2015)
- Non-Kyoto radiative forcing in long-run greenhouse gas emissions and climate change scenarios (2014)
- The impact of decadal fluctuations in mean precipitation and temperature on runoff: A sensitivity study over the United States (1989)
- Uncertainty in hydrologic impacts of climate change in the Sierra Nevada, California, under two emissions scenarios (2007)
- Evidence and Implications of Recent Climate Change in Northern Alaska and Other Arctic Regions (2005)
- Climate change effects on plant growth, crop yield and livestock (1999)
- Climate change in arid lands and Native American socioeconomic vulnerability: The case of the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe (2013)
- Changing streamflow on Columbia basin tribal landsâclimate change and salmon (2013)
- A special issue on the RCPs (2011)
- Going to the Extremes (2006)
- Estimating climate change effects on net primary production of rangelands in the United States (2014)
- Implications of simultaneously mitigating and adapting to climate change: initial experiments using GCAM (2013)
- Improving the way we think about projecting future energy use and emissions of carbon dioxide (2008)
- Adaptation, Spatial Heterogeneity, and the Vulnerability of Agricultural Systems to Climate Change and CO2 Fertilization: An Integrated Assessment Approach (2004)
- Inuit and Scientific Perspectives on the Relationship Between Sea Ice and Climate Change: The Ideal Complement? (2006)
- Exploring high-end scenarios for local sea level rise to develop flood protection strategies for a low-lying deltaâthe Netherlands as an example (2011)
- Exploring effects of climate change on Northern Plains American Indian health (2013)
- A new scenario framework for climate change research: The concept of shared climate policy assumptions (2014)
- RCP 8.5âA scenario of comparatively high greenhouse gas emissions (2011)
- A public health frame arouses hopeful emotions about climate change (2012)
- Hydrologic implications of dynamical and statistical approaches to downscaling climate model outputs (2004)
- One effect to rule them all? A comment on climate and conflict (2014)
- An investigation of the relationship between pesticide usage and climate change (2001)
- Associations between elevated atmospheric temperature and human mortality: A critical review of the literature (2009)
- A new scenario framework for climate change research: Scenario matrix architecture (2014)
- Climate, conflict, and social stability: What does the evidence say? (2014)
- Climate change impacts on extreme temperature mortality in select metropolitan areas in the United States (2015)
- A new scenario framework for climate change research: The concept of shared socioeconomic pathways (2014)
- Heat waves in the United States: Definitions, patterns and trends (2013)
- Projection of economic impacts of climate change in sectors of Europe based on bottom up analysis: Human health (2012)
- Climate change and cryptosporidiosis: A qualitative analysis (2001)
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