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journal : canadian-journal-fisheries
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
N R C Research Press
NRC Research Presshttp://www.nrcresearchpress.com/journal/cjfas
Online ISSN : 1205-7533
Print ISSN : 0706-652X
The following articles from this journal are listed in GCIS :
- Fish community change in Lake Superior, 1970â2000 (2003)
- The effect of climate change on the western rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus) fishery of Western Australia (2010)
- Long-term shifts in the species composition of a coastal fish community (2008)
- Spatial analysis shows that fishing enhances the climatic sensitivity of marine fishes (2008)
- Effects of Forest Harvesting on Spawning Gravel and Incubation Survival of Chum ( Oncorhynchus keta ) and Coho Salmon ( O . kisutch ) in Carnation Creek, British Columbia (1989)
- Long-term changes in migration timing of adult Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ) at the southern edge of the species distribution (2004)
- Mercury concentrations in fish related to size of remote Canadian shield lakes (1993)
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