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journal : australian-journal-rural
Australian Journal of Rural Health
Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Asia
Online ISSN : 1440-1584
Print ISSN : 1038-5282
The following articles from this journal are listed in GCIS :
- Improving the mental health of rural New South Wales communities facing drought and other adversities (2011)
- Mental health impact for adolescents living with prolonged drought (2010)
- In their own words: Young people's mental health in drought-affected rural and remote NSW (2011)
- Rapid change, climate adversity and the next 'big dry': Older farmers' mental health (2011)
- Farming suicides during the Victorian drought: 2001-2007 (2012)
- Suicides on farms in South Australia, 1997-2001 (2008)
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