--- - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: ocean-modelling notes: ~ online_issn: ~ print_issn: 1463-5003 publisher: ~ title: Ocean Modelling uri: /journal/ocean-modelling url: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/ocean-modelling/ - country: US description: ~ href: identifier: oceanography notes: ~ online_issn: 1042-8275 print_issn: 1042-8275 publisher: Oceanography Society title: Oceanography uri: /journal/oceanography url: http://www.tos.org/oceanography/ - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: oecd-environment-working-papers notes: ~ online_issn: ~ print_issn: 1997-0900 publisher: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development title: OECD Environment Working Papers uri: /journal/oecd-environment-working-papers url: http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/19970900 - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: oecologia notes: ~ online_issn: 1432-1939 print_issn: 0029-8549 publisher: Springer title: Oecologia uri: /journal/oecologia url: http://www.springer.com/life+sciences/ecology/journal/442 - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: open-atmospheric-science-journal notes: ~ online_issn: ~ print_issn: 1874-2823 publisher: Bentham Science Publishers title: The Open Atmospheric Science Journal uri: /journal/open-atmospheric-science-journal url: http://www.benthamscience.com/open/toascj/ - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: open-forest-science-journal notes: ~ online_issn: ~ print_issn: 1874-3986 publisher: Bentham Science Publishers title: The Open Forest Science Journal uri: /journal/open-forest-science-journal url: http://www.benthamscience.com/open/tofscij/ - country: US description: ~ href: identifier: pacific-science notes: ~ online_issn: 1534-6188 print_issn: 0030-8870 publisher: 'University of Hawaii Press: Journals Department' title: Pacific Science uri: /journal/pacific-science url: http://www.uhpress.hawaii.edu/t-pacific-science.aspx - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: parasites-vectors notes: ~ online_issn: ~ print_issn: 1756-3305 publisher: Springer Science + Business Media title: Parasites & Vectors uri: /journal/parasites-vectors url: http://parasitesandvectors.biomedcentral.com/ - country: US description: ~ href: identifier: park-science notes: ~ online_issn: ~ print_issn: 1090-9966 publisher: National Park Service title: Park Science uri: /journal/park-science url: http://www.nature.nps.gov/ParkScience/ - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: pathogens notes: ~ online_issn: ~ print_issn: 2076-0817 publisher: MDPI AG title: Pathogens uri: /journal/pathogens url: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/pathogens - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: pathology notes: ~ online_issn: ~ print_issn: 0031-3025 publisher: Elsevier BV title: Pathology uri: /journal/pathology url: http://journals.lww.com/pathologyrcpa/Pages/default.aspx - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: pediatric-clinics-north-america notes: ~ online_issn: ~ print_issn: 0031-3955 publisher: Elsevier BV title: Pediatric Clinics of North America uri: /journal/pediatric-clinics-north-america url: http://www.pediatric.theclinics.com/ - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: pediatric-infectious-disease-journal notes: ~ online_issn: ~ print_issn: 0891-3668 publisher: Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health) title: The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal uri: /journal/pediatric-infectious-disease-journal url: http://journals.lww.com/pidj/pages/default.aspx - country: US description: ~ href: identifier: pediatrics notes: ~ online_issn: 1098-4275 print_issn: 0031-4005 publisher: American Academy of Pediatrics title: Pediatrics uri: /journal/pediatrics url: http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/ - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: permafrost-periglacial notes: ~ online_issn: 1099-1530 print_issn: 1045-6740 publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. title: Permafrost and Periglacial Processes uri: /journal/permafrost-periglacial url: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/%28ISSN%291099-1530 - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: pest-management-science notes: ~ online_issn: 1526-4998 print_issn: 1526-498X publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. title: Pest Management Science uri: /journal/pest-management-science url: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1526-4998 - country: Canada description: ~ href: identifier: phac-communicable-disease-report notes: ~ online_issn: 1481-8531 print_issn: ~ publisher: Public Health Agency of Canada title: Communicable Disease Report uri: /journal/phac-communicable-disease-report url: www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/publicat/ccdr-rmtc/ - country: UK description: ~ href: identifier: philosophical-transactions-royal-society-a-mathematical-physical-and-engineering-sciences notes: ~ online_issn: 1471-2962 print_issn: 1364-503X publisher: The Royal Society title: 'Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences' uri: /journal/philosophical-transactions-royal-society-a-mathematical-physical-and-engineering-sciences url: http://rsta.royalsocietypublishing.org/ - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: philosophical-transactions-royal-society-b-biological-sciences notes: ~ online_issn: 1471-2970 print_issn: 0962-8436 publisher: The Royal Society Publishing title: 'Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences' uri: /journal/philosophical-transactions-royal-society-b-biological-sciences url: http://rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org/ - country: UK description: ~ href: identifier: philosophical-transactions-royal-society-london notes: ~ online_issn: ~ print_issn: 0261-0523 publisher: Royal Society Publishing title: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London uri: /journal/philosophical-transactions-royal-society-london url: http://rstl.royalsocietypublishing.org/