--- - country: AU description: ~ href: identifier: marine-freshwater-research notes: ~ online_issn: ~ print_issn: 1323-1650 publisher: CSIRO title: Marine & Freshwater Research uri: /journal/marine-freshwater-research url: http://www.publish.csiro.au/?nid=126 - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: marine-geodesy notes: ~ online_issn: 1521-060X print_issn: 0149-0419 publisher: 'Taylor & Francis, Inc.' title: Marine Geodesy uri: /journal/marine-geodesy url: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/umgd20/current - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: marine-policy notes: ~ online_issn: ~ print_issn: 0308-597X publisher: Pergamon title: Marine Policy uri: /journal/marine-policy url: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/marine-policy/ - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: marine-pollution-bulletin notes: ~ online_issn: ~ print_issn: 0025-326X publisher: Elsevier BV title: Marine Pollution Bulletin uri: /journal/marine-pollution-bulletin url: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/marine-pollution-bulletin/ - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: marine-technology-society notes: ~ online_issn: ~ print_issn: 0025-3324 publisher: Marine Technology Society title: Marine Technology Society Journal uri: /journal/marine-technology-society url: https://www.mtsociety.org/MTS_Journal_public/ - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: maternal-child-health-journal notes: ~ online_issn: 1573-6628 print_issn: 1092-7875 publisher: Springer Science + Business Media title: Maternal and Child Health Journal uri: /journal/maternal-child-health-journal url: http://www.springer.com/public+health/journal/10995 - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: maturitas notes: ~ online_issn: 1873-4111 print_issn: 0378-5122 publisher: Elsevier Ireland Ltd title: Maturitas uri: /journal/maturitas url: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/maturitas/ - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: mbio notes: ~ online_issn: ~ print_issn: 2150-7511 publisher: American Society for Microbiology title: mBio uri: /journal/mbio url: http://mbio.asm.org/ - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: mcn-american-journal-maternalchild notes: ~ online_issn: ~ print_issn: 0361-929X publisher: Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health) title: 'MCN, The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing' uri: /journal/mcn-american-journal-maternalchild url: http://journals.lww.com/mcnjournal/Pages/default.aspx - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: media-psychology notes: ~ online_issn: 1532-785X print_issn: 1521-3269 publisher: Informa UK Limited title: Media Psychology uri: /journal/media-psychology url: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/hmep20/current - country: United States description: ~ href: identifier: mediation-quarterly notes: ~ online_issn: ~ print_issn: 1541-1508 publisher: 'Wiley Periodicals, Inc.' title: 'Mediation Quarterly ' uri: /journal/mediation-quarterly url: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1541-1508 - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: medical-care notes: ~ online_issn: ~ print_issn: 0025-7079 publisher: Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health) title: Medical Care uri: /journal/medical-care url: http://journals.lww.com/lww-medicalcare/Pages/default.aspx - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: medical-clinics-north-america notes: ~ online_issn: ~ print_issn: 0025-7125 publisher: Elsevier BV title: Medical Clinics of North America uri: /journal/medical-clinics-north-america url: http://www.medical.theclinics.com/ - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: medical-decision-making notes: ~ online_issn: 1552-681X print_issn: 0272-989X publisher: 'Sage Publications, Inc.' title: Medical Decision Making uri: /journal/medical-decision-making url: http://mdm.sagepub.com/ - country: AU description: ~ href: identifier: medical-journal-australia notes: ~ online_issn: 1326-5377 print_issn: 0025-729X publisher: ~ title: The Medical Journal of Australia uri: /journal/medical-journal-australia url: https://www.mja.com.au/ - country: US description: ~ href: identifier: medical-surveillance-monthly-report notes: ~ online_issn: ~ print_issn: 2152-8217 publisher: ~ title: Medical Surveillance Monthly Report uri: /journal/medical-surveillance-monthly-report url: https://www.afhsc.mil/msmr - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: medical-veterinary-entomology notes: ~ online_issn: 1365-2915 print_issn: 0269-283X publisher: Wiley-Blackwell title: Medical and Veterinary Entomology uri: /journal/medical-veterinary-entomology url: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1365-2915 - country: FR description: ~ href: identifier: microbes-infection notes: ~ online_issn: ~ print_issn: 1286-4579 publisher: Éditions scientifiques et médicals Elsevier title: Microbes and Infection uri: /journal/microbes-infection url: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/microbes-and-infection/ - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: microbial-ecology notes: ~ online_issn: 1432-184X print_issn: 0095-3628 publisher: Springer-Verlag title: Microbial Ecology uri: /journal/microbial-ecology url: http://www.springer.com/life+sciences/microbiology/journal/248 - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: midwifery notes: ~ online_issn: ~ print_issn: 0266-6138 publisher: Elsevier BV title: Midwifery uri: /journal/midwifery url: http://www.midwiferyjournal.com/