--- - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: global-planetary-change notes: ~ online_issn: 1872-6364 print_issn: 0921-8181 publisher: Elsevier BV title: Global and Planetary Change uri: /journal/global-planetary-change url: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/global-and-planetary-change/ - country: US description: ~ href: identifier: great-plains-research notes: ~ online_issn: ~ print_issn: 2334-2463 publisher: 'Center for Great Plains Studies, University of Nebraska' title: Great Plains Research uri: /journal/great-plains-research url: http://www.unl.edu/plains/publications/GPR/gpr.shtml - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: ground-water notes: ~ online_issn: 1745-6584 print_issn: 0017-467X publisher: 'Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc.' title: Groundwater uri: /journal/ground-water url: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1745-6584 - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: growth-change notes: ~ online_issn: 1468-2257 print_issn: 0017-4815 publisher: 'Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc.' title: Growth and Change uri: /journal/growth-change url: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1468-2257 - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: harmful-algae notes: ~ online_issn: 1878-1470 print_issn: 1568-9883 publisher: Elsevier BV title: Harmful Algae uri: /journal/harmful-algae url: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/harmful-algae - country: US description: ~ href: identifier: harvard-environmental-law-review notes: ~ online_issn: ~ print_issn: 0147-8257 publisher: Harvard Law School title: Harvard Environmental Law Review uri: /journal/harvard-environmental-law-review url: http://www3.law.harvard.edu/journals/elr/ - country: US description: ~ href: identifier: hastings-west-northwest-journal-environmental-law-policy notes: ~ online_issn: ~ print_issn: 1080-0735 publisher: 'University of California, Hastings College of the Law' title: Hastings West-Northwest Journal of Environmental Law and Policy uri: /journal/hastings-west-northwest-journal-environmental-law-policy url: http://journals.uchastings.edu/journals/websites/west-northwest/ - country: US description: ~ href: identifier: health-affairs notes: ~ online_issn: 1544-5208 print_issn: 0278-2715 publisher: Project HOPE title: Health Affairs uri: /journal/health-affairs url: http://www.healthaffairs.org/ - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: health-place notes: ~ online_issn: 1873-2054 print_issn: 1353-8292 publisher: Elsevier title: Health & Place uri: /journal/health-place url: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/health-and-place/ - country: AU description: ~ href: identifier: health-promotion-journal-australia notes: ~ online_issn: 2201-1617 print_issn: 1036-1073 publisher: CSIRO Publishing title: Health Promotion Journal of Australia uri: /journal/health-promotion-journal-australia url: http://www.publish.csiro.au/?nid=292 - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: health-psychology notes: ~ online_issn: 0278-6133 print_issn: 1930-7810 publisher: American Psychological Association (APA) title: Health Psychology uri: /journal/health-psychology url: http://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/hea/ - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: health-risk-society notes: ~ online_issn: 1469-8331 print_issn: 1369-8575 publisher: Carfax International Publishers title: 'Health, Risk & Society' uri: /journal/health-risk-society url: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/chrs20/current#.U00lkPldWX0 - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: health-social-work notes: ~ online_issn: 1545-6854 print_issn: 0360-7283 publisher: Oxford University Press title: Health & Social Work uri: /journal/health-social-work url: http://hsw.oxfordjournals.org/ - country: United Kingdom description: ~ href: identifier: health-statistics-quarterly notes: ~ online_issn: ~ print_issn: 1465-1645 publisher: Palgrave Macmillan title: Health Statistics Quarterly uri: /journal/health-statistics-quarterly url: http://www.palgrave-journals.com/hsq/index.html - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: hispanic-journal-behavioral notes: ~ online_issn: 1552-6364 print_issn: 0739-9863 publisher: 'Sage Publications, Inc.' title: Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences uri: /journal/hispanic-journal-behavioral url: http://hjb.sagepub.com/ - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: historic-environment notes: ~ online_issn: ~ print_issn: 0726-6715 publisher: Council for the Historic Environment title: Historic Environment uri: /journal/historic-environment url: http://australia.icomos.org/publications/historic-environment/ - country: US description: ~ href: identifier: human-ecology-review notes: ~ online_issn: ~ print_issn: 1074-4827 publisher: Society for Human Ecology title: Human Ecology Review uri: /journal/human-ecology-review url: http://www.humanecologyreview.org/ - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: human-organization notes: ~ online_issn: 1938-3525 print_issn: 0018-7259 publisher: Society for Applied Anthropology title: Human Organization uri: /journal/human-organization url: http://www.sfaa.net/publications/human-organization/ - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: hydrobiologia notes: ~ online_issn: 1573-5117 print_issn: 0018-8158 publisher: Springer Netherlands title: Hydrobiologia uri: /journal/hydrobiologia url: http://www.springer.com/life+sciences/ecology/journal/10750 - country: ~ description: ~ href: identifier: hydrogeology-journal notes: ~ online_issn: 1435-0157 print_issn: 1431-2174 publisher: Springer title: Hydrogeology Journal uri: /journal/hydrogeology-journal url: http://www.springer.com/earth+sciences+and+geography/hydrogeology/journal/10040