--- aliases: - context: instrumentID lexicon: ceos term: 389 url: http://database.eohandbook.com/database/instrumentsummary.aspx?instrumentID=389 - context: Instrument lexicon: ceos term: DORIS url: http://database.eohandbook.com/database/instrumentindex.aspx#D - context: resource lexicon: dbpedia term: DORIS_(geodesy) url: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/DORIS_(geodesy) cited_by: [] contributors: - display_name: "Funding Agency : Centre National D'études Spatiales " href: id: 3696 organization: country_code: FR display_name: "Centre National D'études Spatiales " identifier: centre-national-d-etudes-spatiales name: "Centre National D'études Spatiales " organization_type_identifier: national type: organization url: http://www.cnes.fr organization_uri: /organization/centre-national-d-etudes-spatiales person: {} person_id: ~ person_uri: ~ role_type_identifier: funding_agency uri: /contributor/3696 - display_name: "Contributor : Centre National D'études Spatiales " href: id: 3715 organization: country_code: FR display_name: "Centre National D'études Spatiales " identifier: centre-national-d-etudes-spatiales name: "Centre National D'études Spatiales " organization_type_identifier: national type: organization url: http://www.cnes.fr organization_uri: /organization/centre-national-d-etudes-spatiales person: {} person_id: ~ person_uri: ~ role_type_identifier: contributor uri: /contributor/3715 description: "DORIS (Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite) is a Doppler satellite tracking system developed for precise orbit determination and precise ground location.\r\n" description_attribution: http://ids-doris.org display_name: doris files: - display_name: jason1-doris-th1.gif file: b0/10/de12f191e1228e20bf045b446033/jason1-doris-th1.gif href: http://data.globalchange.gov/assets/b0/10/de12f191e1228e20bf045b446033/jason1-doris-th1.gif identifier: fcc22a0e-0e79-4081-9e65-c6931bdc676d landing_page: https://sealevel.jpl.nasa.gov/technology/technologyinstrumentdescription/instrumentdescriptiondoris/ location: ~ mime_type: image/gif sha1: a792e67d79e48d605705ac0e858869d26c9eb2a7 size: 6238 thumbnail: b0/10/de12f191e1228e20bf045b446033/.thumb-fcc22a0e-0e79-4081-9e65-c6931bdc676d.png thumbnail_href: http://data.globalchange.gov/assets/b0/10/de12f191e1228e20bf045b446033/.thumb-fcc22a0e-0e79-4081-9e65-c6931bdc676d.png type: file uri: /file/fcc22a0e-0e79-4081-9e65-c6931bdc676d url: http://data.globalchange.gov/assets/b0/10/de12f191e1228e20bf045b446033/jason1-doris-th1.gif href: identifier: doris name: Doppler Orbitography and Radio-positioning Integrated by Satellite parents: [] platforms: - description: "TOPEX/Poseidon (or simply T/P) is a cooperative Earth observation mission of the USA and France (NASA/JPL and CNES as partners) with the overall objective to provide high-accuracy global sea level (ocean height) measurements in coordinates relative to the center of the Earth. From this information, ocean circulation patterns can be mapped. The T/P data analysis helps to understand how the oceans interact with the atmosphere, and improve our ability to predict the global climate. NASA provided the satellite bus, five instruments, and is responsible for spacecraft operations. CNES furnished two of the spacecraft's instruments and the mission's Ariane launch vehicle." description_attribution: "TOPEX/Poseidon (or simply T/P) is a cooperative Earth observation mission of the USA and France (NASA/JPL and CNES as partners) with the overall objective to provide high-accuracy global sea level (ocean height) measurements in coordinates relative to the center of the Earth. From this information, ocean circulation patterns can be mapped. The T/P data analysis helps to understand how the oceans interact with the atmosphere, and improve our ability to predict the global climate. NASA provided the satellite bus, five instruments, and is responsible for spacecraft operations. CNES furnished two of the spacecraft's instruments and the mission's Ariane launch vehicle." identifier: topex-poseidon name: Topographic Experiment/Poseidon uri: /platform/topex-poseidon references: [] type: instrument uri: /instrument/doris