
identifier figures files
32a7562f-b9d9-4fa5-b38c-abb6cf8326fd 9.5: Mapping Communities Vulnerable to Heat in Georgia
33df5e0d-8b3f-4970-9713-bae06b96ae99 21.5: Adapting the Nisqually River Delta to Sea Level Rise
341191c1-b419-4651-ba8e-a127df9b2057 33.18: Only Human Influence Can Explain Recent Warming
34239924-2a3b-4ba4-832a-95de5edcdeaf 23.5: Native Plants at Risk
348d0292-0e8a-4a81-91f4-e64989a90b9b 3.12: Water Challenges in a Southeast River Basin
35596456-30e6-4474-9b23-2ca54983e6c9 5.6: Climate Impacts on West Nile Virus Transmission
3566d50e-bc2e-42f6-a565-9c8e4027ba2e 13.4: Building Loss by Fires at California Wildland-Urban Interfaces
35851351-20c5-424d-a0e3-942bcae8317e 12.1: Indigenous Populations Extend beyond Reservation Lands
35febf7f-3691-4e65-bc0c-dab1a230a01d 6.7: Water and Soil
362ded28-cafa-4a4f-a49a-aa26247ca5a8 19.6: Increases in Irrigated Farmland in the Great Plains
369af075-69cd-4bf4-8da7-ac9a8bcba2dc 19.5: Projected Change in Number of Consecutive Dry Days
36bc8e10-a059-4f52-951c-a2b733d6394d 6.6: Projected Changes in Caribbean Gambierdiscus Species
36c13a53-2f3b-4924-ac7c-8e6cb02e4d34 19.1: Temperature and Precipitation Distribution in the Great Plains
3732913d-5cf4-4980-8b3d-60cff3152f5b 13.3: Projected Land Covers (2010-2050)
37e35f4e-8e3e-417a-a000-5001864e5270 17.11: Trends in Water Availability
3885d716-a60c-4516-b1c4-7aa2046ed564 11.3: New York City and Sea Level Rise
38970d17-12f0-450d-9c25-2515f8969dd3 19.8: Population Change in the Great Plains