image : dddd358e-4a8c-4f6e-b90f-42814502afa8

Projected Mid-Century Temperature Changes in the Midwest: Frost-Free Season

Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites - NC
Laura Stevens

The time range for this image is January 01, 1971 (00:00 AM) to December 31, 2070 (23:59 PM).

This image was created on November 19, 2013.

The spatial range for this image is 36.06° to 49.31° latitude, and -97.19° to -80.56° longitude.

Attributes : Midwest, freeze-free season, frost-free season, temperature, projections, emissions scenarios.

This image was derived from dataset Eighth degree-CONUS Daily Downscaled Climate Projections using the activity dddd358e-nca3-cmip3-downscaled-r201304-process.

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