image : 9a1fc7f5-d769-44d3-9979-de36a690609e

Precipitation Trends: Past Century, Past 30+ Years; 1901-2012

Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center
Peter Thorne

The time range for this image is January 01, 1901 (00:00 AM) to December 31, 2012 (23:59 PM).

This image was created on May 24, 2013.

The spatial range for this image is -90.00° to 90.00° latitude, and -180.00° to 180.00° longitude.

Attributes : Precipitation, observed, global.

This image was derived from dataset Global Historical Climatology Network - Monthly using the activity 9a1fc7f5-nca3-ghcn-monthly-r201305-process.

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