--- - attributes: 'Precipitation, observed, global' create_dt: 2013-05-24T12:15:00 description: ~ href: identifier: ff6a7a8e-d886-4b30-acd7-a3538a787baf lat_max: 90.00 lat_min: -90.00 lon_max: 180.00 lon_min: -180.00 position: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: 2012-12-31T23:59:59 time_start: 1901-01-01T00:00:00 title: 'Precipitation Trends: Past Century, Past 30+ Years; 1979-2012' uri: /image/ff6a7a8e-d886-4b30-acd7-a3538a787baf url: ~ usage_limits: ~ - attributes: ~ create_dt: 2014-03-20T09:20:00 description: ~ href: identifier: ff8be700-37f2-43fa-87ed-b2e9888b0466 lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ position: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: The Columbia River Basin Land Use and Land Cover uri: /image/ff8be700-37f2-43fa-87ed-b2e9888b0466 url: ~ usage_limits: ~ - attributes: ~ create_dt: 2012-11-01T16:37:00 description: ~ href: identifier: ffbcbf37-b625-4fa3-a739-3c4f31bbccc1 lat_max: 71.398048 lat_min: 18.913826 lon_max: -66.957802 lon_min: -179.133392 position: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: 2007-12-31T23:59:59 time_start: 2007-01-01T00:00:00 title: 'Agricultural Distribution - Hogs and Pigs, Inventory: 2007' uri: /image/ffbcbf37-b625-4fa3-a739-3c4f31bbccc1 url: ~ usage_limits: ~