--- - attributes: ~ caption: 'Forest cover increase and abandonment of marginal agricultural lands in the Upper Midwest. An increase in forest cover since 1970 has been found in analyses of the U.S. Upper Midwest. This increase results in increased carbon sequestration because forest cover is primarily replacing pastures and croplands. Credit: School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan. | Grand Traverse County, Michigan. The left image illustrates land use change by parcel interpreted from aerial photographs. Green colors are forest, beige/yellow is agriculture and pink color is residential development. The right image is forest cover from Landsat MSS satellite images. Green is forest and light yellow is not forest. The images illustrate the forest regrowth that is occurring across the Upper Midwest concurrently with parcel fragmentation, agricultural abandonment, and rural residential development.' chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: forest-cover-increase-abandonment-agricultural-lands lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: ccsp-ocpfy2003 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: Forest Cover Increase and Abandonment of Agricultural Lands uri: /report/ccsp-ocpfy2003/figure/forest-cover-increase-abandonment-agricultural-lands url: ~ usage_limits: Copyright protected. Obtain permission from the original figure source. - attributes: ~ caption: 'Forest Cover of Madagascar, 1950s to ~2000' chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: forest-cover-madagascar lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: ccsp-ocpfy2007 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: Forest Cover of Madagascar uri: /report/ccsp-ocpfy2007/figure/forest-cover-madagascar url: ~ usage_limits: Copyright protected. Obtain permission from the original figure source. - attributes: ~ caption: 'Testing early results from "Experiment 0" of an Integrated Earth Systems Model. Preliminary studies illustrate the significance of potential carbon management strategies when land is considered within an Integrated Earth System Model. In the case where only fossil fuel carbon is valued (above of two forest cover images), a shift toward deforestation occurs in comparison with the IPCC Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) case.' chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: forest-cover-model-results lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: usgcrp-ocpfy2012 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: Forest Cover Model Results uri: /report/usgcrp-ocpfy2012/figure/forest-cover-model-results url: ~ usage_limits: Copyright protected. Obtain permission from the original figure source. - attributes: ~ caption: 'North American forest disturbance intensity, 1990 to 2000, mapped from about 2,200 Landsat images. Colors represent the percent of each 500 x 500 m cell disturbed during the mapping period. Credit: J. Masek, NASA/ Goddard Space Flight Center.' chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: forest-disturbance-mapped-from-space lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: usgcrp-ocpfy2010 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: Forest Disturbance Mapped from Space uri: /report/usgcrp-ocpfy2010/figure/forest-disturbance-mapped-from-space url: ~ usage_limits: Free to use with credit to the original figure source. - attributes: ~ caption: 'The U.S.-constructed impervious surface area (ISA) in 2000 was nearly the size of Ohio. Population is increasing at a rate of 3 million people per year. Annual U.S. public and private sector construction spending is greater than US$480 billion. This includes more than a million new single-family homes and more than 10,000 miles of new roads per year. Credit: C.D. Elvidge, NOAA/National Geophysical Data Center.' chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: fractional-impervious-surface-area lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: ccsp-ocp-fy2006 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: Fractional Impervious Surface Area uri: /report/ccsp-ocp-fy2006/figure/fractional-impervious-surface-area url: ~ usage_limits: Free to use with credit to the original figure source. - attributes: ~ caption: 'Ganges Valley brown cloud plume drifts out over the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean. Credit: NASA / Goddard Space Flight Center.' chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: ganges-valley-brown-cloud lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: usgcrp-ocpfy2009 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: Ganges Valley Brown Cloud uri: /report/usgcrp-ocpfy2009/figure/ganges-valley-brown-cloud url: ~ usage_limits: Free to use with credit to the original figure source. - attributes: ~ caption: 'This illustration highlights the areas of societal benefit identified in the GEOSS Implementation Plan. Credit: U.S. Group on Earth Observations.' chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: geo-societal-benefits-focus lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: ccsp-ocpfy2007 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: GEO Societal Benefits Focus uri: /report/ccsp-ocpfy2007/figure/geo-societal-benefits-focus url: ~ usage_limits: Free to use with credit to the original figure source. - attributes: ~ caption: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory High-Resolution Ocean Simulation. High-resolution ocean simulation running inside the coupled GFDL CM 2.6 model. Higher resolution in the ocean allows for the simulation of mesoscale and smaller eddies and structure in the ocean circulation. chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: gfdl-high-res-ocean-simulation lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: usgcrp-ocpfy2012 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: GFDL High-Res Ocean Simulation uri: /report/usgcrp-ocpfy2012/figure/gfdl-high-res-ocean-simulation url: ~ usage_limits: Free to use with credit to the original figure source. - attributes: ~ caption: 'These products generated using the RA97 canopy stomatal conductance sub-model in (a) DJF (-7.1 to +9.3 mm day-1) and (b) JJA (-8.7 to +15.9 mm day-1), and change due to new conductance sub-model in (c) DJF (-1.4 to +1.5 mm day-1) and (d) JJA (-1.7 to +1.1 mm day-1). Observations over land from New et al. (1999) and over oceans from Huffman and Bolvin (2005). Global means at upper-right corners. Hatched areas are significant at the 95% confidence level for a paired t test. Credit: A.D. Friend, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement; and and N.Y. Kiang, Columbia University (reproduced from Journal of Climate with permission from the American Meteorological Society).' chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: giss-gcm-seasonal-mean-precipitation-bias lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: ccsp-ocpfy2007 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: GISS GCM Seasonal Mean Precipiation Bias uri: /report/ccsp-ocpfy2007/figure/giss-gcm-seasonal-mean-precipitation-bias url: ~ usage_limits: Copyright protected. Obtain permission from the original figure source. - attributes: ~ caption: 'Repeating photographs from the same location have provided visual documentation of the extent of glacier retreat over the past century. Credit: USGS/Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center.' chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: glacier-retreat-past-century lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: ccsp-ocp-fy2006 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: Glacier Retreat over the Past Century uri: /report/ccsp-ocp-fy2006/figure/glacier-retreat-past-century url: ~ usage_limits: Free to use with credit to the original figure source. - attributes: ~ caption: 'Global average nighttime lake surface temperatures show year-to-year variability, including a decrease during the last two years, yet over the full period for which data are available, the temperatures increased on average by 0.045°C per year.' chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: global-average-nighttime-lake-surface-temperatures lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: usgcrp-ocpfy2012 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: Global Average Nighttime Lake Surface Temperatures uri: /report/usgcrp-ocpfy2012/figure/global-average-nighttime-lake-surface-temperatures url: ~ usage_limits: Copyright protected. Obtain permission from the original figure source. - attributes: ~ caption: Global average observed wind speeds over land show a decrease over time while model data reanalysis systems indicate no trend. chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: global-average-wind-speed-over-land lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: usgcrp-ocpfy2012 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: Global Average Wind Speeds Over Land uri: /report/usgcrp-ocpfy2012/figure/global-average-wind-speed-over-land url: ~ usage_limits: Copyright protected. Obtain permission from the original figure source. - attributes: ~ caption: 'Examples of the GLS 2005 images for Saskatchewan. These images illustrate the four data layers in this global data set of Landsat imagery: the 1970s, 1990, 2000, and 2005. All four data layers were geometrically corrected to the terrain using the 2000 Landsat-7 data layer as the rectification basis. These data are now being distributed free of charge through NASA and the USGS. Credit: G. Gutman, NASA/Headquarters; J. Masek, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center; C. Justice and S. Franks, University of Maryland; R. Byrnes and R. Headley, USGS.' chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: global-land-survey-examples lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: usgcrp-ocpfy2010 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: Global Land Survey Examples uri: /report/usgcrp-ocpfy2010/figure/global-land-survey-examples url: ~ usage_limits: Copyright protected. Obtain permission from the original figure source. - attributes: ~ caption: 'A team from the University of Arizona analyzed the water budgets of several Arizona cities to determine how severe the drought impacts would be from the deepest one-year (1900), five-year (1900-1904), and ten-year (1946-1955) droughts on record. The study showed that, even under assumptions of continuing “average” climate conditions, the possibility of achieving “safe yield,” (i.e., supply and demand are in balance), remains uncertain. Credit: University of Arizona.' chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: groundwater-overdraft-drought lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: ccsp-ocpfy2003 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: Groundwater Overdraft in Response to Drought uri: /report/ccsp-ocpfy2003/figure/groundwater-overdraft-drought url: ~ usage_limits: Copyright protected. Obtain permission from the original figure source. - attributes: ~ caption: 'This graph tracks the maximum temperature (Tmax), heat index (HI), and heat-related deaths in Chicago each day from July 11 to 23, 1995. The gray line shows maximum daily temperature, the blue line shows the heat index, and the bars indicate thenumber of deaths each day. (Source: NOAA/NCDC)' chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: heat-related-deaths-chicago lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: nca1 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: Heat Related Deaths in Chicago uri: /report/nca1/figure/heat-related-deaths-chicago url: ~ usage_limits: Free to use with credit to the original figure source. - attributes: ~ caption: 'The High-performance Instrumented Airborne Platform (HIAPER) aircraft. Credit: University Corporation for Atmospheric Research.' chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: hiaper-aircraft lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: ccsp-ocpfy2004and2005 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: HIAPER Aircraft uri: /report/ccsp-ocpfy2004and2005/figure/hiaper-aircraft url: ~ usage_limits: Free to use with credit to the original figure source. - attributes: ~ caption: 'Spring Trends in Recycling Ratio from 1979 to 2003 over the High Latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. Positive trends dominate over North America, with especially strong and widespread trends over Canada and Alaska. There are also strong positive trends over Scandinavia during spring and over Britain and much of north-central Europe during fall (not shown here). Trends are generally weaker and not as widespread over Asia, where in situ meteorological observations are much less dense. Credit: P.A. Dirmeyer and K.L. Brubaker, Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies and the University of Maryland (reproduced from Geophysical Research Letters with permission from the American Geophysical Union).' chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: high-latitude-trends-moisture-recycling-ratio lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: ccsp-ocpfy2007 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: High-Latitude Trends in Moisture Recycling Ratio uri: /report/ccsp-ocpfy2007/figure/high-latitude-trends-moisture-recycling-ratio url: ~ usage_limits: Copyright protected. Obtain permission from the original figure source. - attributes: ~ caption: 'The left panels show results for December–February (DJF), and the right panels for June–August (JJA). The top two panels are from a control run (CAM); the middle two panels are from the experimental model (SP-CAM); and the bottom two panels show observations from the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP). Credit: M. Khairoutdinov, D. Randall, and C. DeMott, Colorado State University (reproduced from Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences with permission from the American Meteorological Society).' chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: high-level-cloud-fraction lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: ccsp-ocpfy2007 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: High-Level Cloud Fraction uri: /report/ccsp-ocpfy2007/figure/high-level-cloud-fraction url: ~ usage_limits: Copyright protected. Obtain permission from the original figure source. - attributes: ~ caption: 'Average annual terrestrial NPP (i.e., ‘supply’) based on 17 years of AVHRR satellite data (top); global distribution of human-appropriated NPP (HANPP, i.e., ‘demand’) for all food and fiber products (middle); and NPP-carbon balance (HANPP as a percent of NPP, calculated for each grid cell) (bottom). Highly populated areas (yellow and red) consume up to 300 times their local production. Credit: M. Imhoff, NASA/ Goddard Space Flight Center.' chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: human-appropriation-net-primary-production lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: ccsp-ocp-fy2006 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production uri: /report/ccsp-ocp-fy2006/figure/human-appropriation-net-primary-production url: ~ usage_limits: Free to use with credit to the original figure source. - attributes: ~ caption: 'Hurricane Charley moving across Florida, August 2004. Image captured by the NOAA/National Weather Service Tampa Bay, Florida, Weather Forecast Office’s WSR-88D doppler weather radar. Credit: NOAA/ National Climatic Data Center.' chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: hurricane-charley-13-august-2004 lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: ccsp-ocp-fy2006 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: 'Hurricane Charley, 13 August 2004' uri: /report/ccsp-ocp-fy2006/figure/hurricane-charley-13-august-2004 url: ~ usage_limits: Free to use with credit to the original figure source.