dataset : USGS Small-scale Dataset - Railroad and Bus Passenger Stations of the United States 201207 FileGDB 10.1

U.S. Geological Survey National Map


USGS Small-scale Dataset - Railroad and Bus Passenger Stations of the United States 201207 FileGDB 10.1

This map layer shows Amtrak intercity railroad and bus passenger terminals in the United States. There are no Amtrak stations in Alaska or Hawaii. The data are a subset of data available from the Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics (RITA/BTS).

The spatial range for this dataset is 24.0° to 51.0° latitude, and -125.0° to -68.0° longitude. map (center)

Also known as :
  • identifier f36aa1c9-09a2-4c6d-a3a6-6843519e282d (datagov lexicon)
  • dataset usgs-small-scale-dataset-railroad-and-bus-passenger-stations-of-the-united-states-201207-fileg (datagov lexicon)
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