dataset : USGS Map service: usSEABED - US Coastal Offshore Surficial-Sediment

U.S. Geological Survey


USGS Map service: usSEABED - US Coastal Offshore Surficial-Sediment

The usSEABED database contains a compilation of published and previously unpublished sediment texture and other geologic data about the sea floor from diverse sources. The data were compiled using the dbSEABED system to bring assorted data together in a unified database. Maps display areas of different bottom types (carbonate, coral, shells, and terrigenous) and sediment classifications using the Folk and Shepard systems, based on either laboratory data or verbal records of observations. usSEABED information is a scientific foundation for the USGS Marine Aggregate Resources and Processes Assessment and Benthic Habitats projects. The usSEABED database includes data for sites in U.S. waters from rivers, lakes, estuaries, and from the beach to the continental shelf. To make the usSEABED data more accessible to the public and other agencies, the USGS created this web service. This web service was created utilizing ESRI ArcServer. This service meets open geospatial consortium standards. The geographic information system (GIS) data layers from this web service are cataloged by region for ease of access.

The spatial range for this dataset is 16.19° to 49.18° latitude, and -129.46° to -63.5° longitude. map (center)

Also known as :
  • identifier 5a074b81-c3a9-4567-ae83-341cd8a227a5 (datagov lexicon)
  • dataset usgs-map-service-usseabed-us-coastal-offshore-surficial-sediment (datagov lexicon)
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