dataset : USGS Map service: National Shoreline Change - Long-Term Shoreline Change Rates

U.S. Geological Survey


USGS Map service: National Shoreline Change - Long-Term Shoreline Change Rates

Beach erosion is a chronic problem along most open-ocean shores of the United States. As coastal populations continue to grow, and community infrastructures are threatened by erosion, there is increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. There is also need for a comprehensive analysis of shoreline movement that is regionally consistent. To meet these national needs, the USGS National Assessment of Shoreline Change Project has collected and analyzed a comprehensive database of digital vector shorelines by compiling shoreline positions from pre-existing historical shoreline databases and by generating historical and modern shoreline data. This dataset consists of long-term (100+ years) shoreline change rates. Rate calculations were computed using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS), an ArcGIS extension developed by the U.S. Geological Survey. Long-term rates of shoreline change were calculated using a linear regression rate based on all available shoreline data. A reference baseline was used as the originating point for the orthogonal transects cast by the DSAS software. The transects intersect each shoreline establishing measurement points, which are then used to calculate long-term rates. To make these results more accessible to the public and other agencies, the USGS created this web service. This web service was created utilizing ESRI ArcServer. This service meets open geospatial consortium standards. The data compilation used to derive the shoreline change rates is available in a service with the title USGS Map service: National Shoreline Change - Historic Shorelines by State. The reference baseline used to derive the shoreline change rates is available in a service with the title USGS Map service: National Shoreline Change - Offshore Baseline. The locations of the transects used in the change rate calculation are available in a service with the title USGS Map service: National Shoreline Change - Intersection Points. The geographic information system (GIS) data layers from this web service are cataloged by state for ease of access.

The spatial range for this dataset is 24.96° to 49.37° latitude, and -124.73° to -66.97° longitude. map (center)

Also known as :
  • identifier e914ece5-3065-4d2c-9f37-4c484fabebfc (datagov lexicon)
  • dataset usgs-map-service-national-shoreline-change-long-term-shoreline-change-rates (datagov lexicon)
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